2.) Lie About Us

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So please don't say you want to give up. How do I tell her that I've fallen in love? And I know you're waiting patiently for that day 'til we no longer have to lie about us. When I'm with her all I want is your touch, and when you call me I don't want to hang up. And I know I say it often but I can't wait 'til we no longer have to lie about us. -Avant

I get up from my much needed rest to another morning of hell. Physical, mental, and emotional hell. I just want to wake up a nice home cooked meal, and have meaningless conversations with my family. I know it's a stretch for what I want but I still have hope.

I remove myself from the comfort of my bed, and begin to walk down the stairs. No one is up as usual, so I walk into the kitchen for some breakfast. Once I get in front of the refrigerator I see a note on it.

"You should be able to fend for yourself for a couple of days. Make do with what is in the fridge :) Love, Sania "

I ball the note up and throw it on the floor. At least the bitch has some decency to not call herself a mother. I open up the fridge to something that I kind of expected.


All that was in the fridge was two tomatoes, ham, ketchup, and a stale piece of bread. I couldn't even be disappointed at this because it was usual. I shut the fridge and decide to call Zhan. I at least hope he can be able to help me out. I run up the stairs to grab my phone. Once I pick it up I call Zhan. Of course he forwards me the first two times but I try once more until he answers.

" What? " He grumbles angrily into the phone.

" Good morning to you. " I try to liven his attitude.

" What you want man? " He shoots back and I just get over his behaviors.

" I need a favor. My mom and dad left for some days and I have nothing to eat in the house. Can you please bring me something? " I say almost on the verge of begging.

" The fuck... You woke me up because you hungry? You better eat this dick! You lost your fucking mind... " He starts to yell at me and I just hang up in his face.

I throw my phone to the side and sit over in frustration. I shouldn't have to beg my own boyfriend for a decent meal. My phone starts to ring again. I look over at the caller I.d and it was Mizhano. I'm not gonna answer it because his behavior was wrong. Isn't it crazy when someone curses you out then calls you back? After a while the ringing stops but a message came through. I grabbed the phone and read it over.

DaddyZhan: So you ignoring my phone calls now?
DaddyZhan: You must really don't know how crazy I am?
DaddyZhan: Roman?
DaddyZhan:You think you gone leave me now huh?
DaddyZhan: I'll see about your ass.

I look at his texts in confusion. Every time he's wrong he starts saying I'm gonna leave him. Yes I have considered it, but never went through with it. My stomach was grumbling and I was desperate. I'm never one to grovel but I decide to call La'rey. I knew he would come through for me. I dialed out his number and waited for his answer. He picked up in no time.

" Hello. " He grumbled into the phone.

" My bad for waking you. I needed a favor but I'll let you sleep. " I say.

" Nah you good. What's up bro? " He says, sounding more awake.

" Moms them left again. I ain't got nothing to eat at home and no money to buy nothing with you think you can--- "

" What you want? " He cuts me off.

" You know I'll pay you back? " I ask.

" What you want to eat Roman? " He asks once more disregarding my question.

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