Chapter Eleven

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"Failing to plan is planning to fail."

-Alan Lakein


The whole room was silent as if everyone had lost the ability to speak. I glanced up at the others to see their reactions and like me, they all wore similar expressions of shock. I knew what they were thinking "how could he have done this?", he was a police officer. He was supposed to catch guys like this not be one. Did protect and serve mean nothing to him?

I breathed a shaky sigh, "we can't tell the other officers." Mark nodded in agreement, running his hand through his hair angrily.

"What are you talking about?" Jason argued, "we should be storming into the breakroom and arresting him not letting him get away with it!"

"Aurora's right Jason," Mak said, defending me, "you and I both know that if we go out there and accuse a cop, no matter how much evidence we have, they'll just close ranks and make it impossible to get a confession."

Jason leaned back in his chair, throwing his head back and covering his face with his hands, "then what do we do?"

"We might be able to get the chief to believe us but it'll take some convincing," I said, speaking mainly to Mark.

"That's settled then," he announced, "Aurora and I will speak to the police chief, if we all go out there it'll look too suspicious. Stay here and look busy."

Mark and I stood up to leave and Jason squeezed my hand supportively. Since our talk I felt like he and I had grown closer. I felt like I could confide in him about anything. Once we'd stepped into the main office area I nervously scanned it for Lucas, hoping to avoid running into him.

I spotted the police chief speaking to another officer over by the water cooler so Mark and I approached her. I hadn't seen much of her while we'd been here, she'd left us to do our own thing. The only person she'd spoken to was Mark and even that was brief.

"Excuse me Chief Lopez," Mark interrupted, "may we have a word?"

She sent the other officer away and turned to face us, giving us her full attention. "What can I help you with agents?" She asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

"It would be better if we spoke in private," I advised. She looked at us with a confused expression on her face, but ushered us into her office anyway. We both gave each other a look of uncertainty, like we didn't want to follow her. I took a deep breath and moved forward.


"No you're wrong, that girl must have been confused it's not possible."

We'd just told Chief Lopez that Lucas was our unsub and, as expected, she didn't believe us. I can't say I blame her. Being told one of your officers was raping women in the city he'd sworn to protect couldn't be easy.

"We wouldn't be telling you this if we weren't 100% certain," I pleaded, trying to get her to understand, "Lucas is doing this and unless we stop him another woman is going to be attacked."

She leaned back in her chair and sighed, "What I don't understand is why he of all people would do this."

"What do you mean?" I enquired.

"Didn't you read his file?"

"Of course I did; he was born September 17th 1987 to Judy Hart, there's no father listed on his birth certificate so I did a little digging and it turns out his mother..." I stopped, suddenly struck with realisation, "Oh my god!"

"What is it?" Mark enquired, "What's wrong?"

"Judy Hart was raped in the January of 1987, 9 months before Lucas was born," I informed them, " she had blonde hair and blue eyes."

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