Chapter Thirteen

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"Nothing in the universe can stop you from letting go and starting over."

-Guy Finley


*Three months later*

"Jason, where's my white sweater?" I called, searching through my drawers like a madman.

It was my first day back to work I was shot and it felt like I was starting all over again. For the first month I was confined to a wheelchair, unable to do anything for myself. I'd lost count of how many glasses I'd broken trying to get them from my cupboard.

Jason was a blessing. He had moved in to help look after me; it was like having my own butler. He was only supposed to move in temporarily but three months later and he still hadn't left. We were planning on moving his stuff in soon but for now he was going back and forth between both our apartments.

Once I was able to walk without any crutches Mark let me go back to work, but it was strictly desk duty. The team didn't have a proper technical analyst so while I was out injured was my job. I did mostly secretarial work as well; filling out paperwork, helping Francesca pick cases, I was even allowed to sit in on team's briefs. It was torture watching them walk out the door, never knowing if they would come back safe.

But finally the doctor cleared me suitable for field work.

"Found it!" He called back and I made my way into the kitchen. I was instantly greeted by the smell of sizzling bacon and pancakes. When Jason moved in I made it my mission to teach him how to cook something other than instant noodles and microwave chicken. Much to his disappointment I had also informed him that a banana and a Snickers bar did not constitute as a nutritional breakfast, regardless of how delicious they were.

Jason was standing by the stove wearing only a pair of plaid pyjama bottoms, leaving his bare chest exposed.

"It's mid-December, how are you not freezing?" I asked, taking a seat at the breakfast bar.

"I guess I don't feel the cold," he shrugged, putting a plate in front of me.

"You'll regret you said that once you step outside," I smirked, picking up my fork and started to eat.

Jason stopped me and gave me a knowing look. "You have to take your medication before you eat remember?" He placed the bottle of red pills in front of me.

Three times a day for the last three months I had been choking down the sinister red pills. Since my heart had stopped the doctors were fearful that I would have a relapse and I was forced to take the medication, otherwise I might have to have more surgery which was just another step back in my recovery. I rolled my eyes but swallowed the pills down anyway.

"Can I eat my breakfast now or would you like to interrupt me some more?" I asked sarcastically.

"I think you're good," he joked, taking a seat beside me.

We ate in silence then I went to shower and get changed while Jason tidied the apartment. At times I think he forgot that I was better and he instinctively started to do everything. While I was getting changed I couldn't help but stare at my reflection in the mirror. The surgeons had tried their best but they couldn't avoid leaving a scar on my thigh. They had offered to fix it with some cosmetic surgery but I decided to keep it, as a reminder of what I'd been through. It wasn't an ugly scar, you'd barely notice it unless I pointed it out but it was there.

Once we were ready we headed down to the underground parking lot under my apartment building. After what happened I'd finally taken the step and bought a car. Jason thought I was crazy having not bought a car until now and I suppose he was right but there was one thing I couldn't stand; the traffic. I was the most impatient person alive and sitting stationary in a small car for thirty plus minutes was not something I was excited about.

When we pulled into the building a familiar sense of excitement filled me and I practically ran towards the elevator.

"Jeeze Rory, anyone would think you were excited to be back or something," Jason laughed, squeezing my hand.

Before I could reply the elevator doors opened and I was enveloped by a squealing five foot mass of brown hair. "Rory!"

"It's nice to see you too Francesca," I smiled, hugging her back.

"I'm so glad you're back Rory, Iit's been murder without you here. I know you helped me out with some of the cases and you did the tech stuff but now you're 'back' back!" She rambled.

I received a few hugs and smiles from other colleagues passing by but when I walked into the breakroom I was almost tackled by Hayden. It was nice to see how much they missed me. Mark gave me a quick nod when he saw me; I suppose he had to remain professional since we were in work, but the persona didn't last long and he too pulled me into a tight hug.

We didn't have much time to talk though; the NYPD had called us about a child abduction. A little girl had been taken from her kindergarten about an hour ago and they needed our help to find her. "Go figure," I muttered, climbing into the SUV, "my first case back and we don't even get to leave New York."


It was absolute chaos outside the police station. There were reporters everywhere; desperate to try and get an edge over each other and get the latest on the case. Nevermind that a little girl was missing; all these vultures cared about was the next big scoop, be it a missing child or some celebrity drama.

There was a cop waiting at the door to let us in and another directed us to the main workroom. It was surprisingly empty considering the circumstances. We all stood looking like lost sheep when I spotted a familiar face.

"Hey Jamie!" I called, trying to get his attention.

His face lit up when he saw me and he crossed the room in a few long strides. "Aurora, it's great to see you!" He said, hugging me, "have you gotten shorter since I last saw you?"

"I'm still at the perfect height to hit you in the nuts," I joked, hugging him. "This is Mark, our unit chief, and Francesca, Jason and Hayden my teammates." I introduced and Jamie shook each of their hands.

"Do you know where we can find the Chief?" Asked Mark, causing Jamie to blush.

"I'm the police Chief now," he admitted, "the rest of my men are in the conference room, I thought it would be better to brief everyone together."

"Lead the way." The two of them walked ahead of us, chatting as if they were old friends. That was the kind of person Jamie was; he could talk to anyone and make them feel like they were the most important person in the world.

"Why does every cop we meet have to flirt with you?" Complained Francesca.

"What are you talking about?" I scoffed.

"Daniel, Lucas, now this Jamie guy." She listed off the names on her fingers, "seriously Rory, leave some for the rest of us."

"You're married."

"Doesn't mean I can't look at them." She replied, sending the two of us into a fit of giggles.

We were the last ones to enter the conference room but it didn't look like they had started yet.

"Alright guys," started Jamie, walking to the front of the room, "as you all know a five year old girl was abducted from her kindergarten just over an hour ago. Her name is Layla Morris, she has brown hair and green eyes and she was last seen wearing dark blue jeans, a green jacket and white trainers. She usually carries a light brown teddy bear with her but it wasn't at the scene so we're assuming she had it with her when she was taken. From what we can gather, she was approached by a white male during recess and put in the back of what we think is a black mini-van."

He stopped and gestured for Mark to continue. "My team will be here to assist you in any way. Don't think we're here to take over because that's not our intention." He was reciting his go-to speech for whenever we went to a police station. It was for precaution more than anything.

"However," he warned, "any and all news broadcasts must be approved by either Chief Harris, agent Collins or myself. we've had one too many cases go bad because the locals didn't trust us."

"Please remember guys," Jamie added, "this is someone's little girl and we want to bring her home safe."

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