Chapter Two

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"Some of us think that holding on makes us strong; but sometimes it is letting go."

-Hermann Hesse

* * *

I was still smiling from my encounter with Jason when I walked into the conference room. There was already people inside, waiting for us. If I hadn't felt overdressed earlier, I felt it now. Out of the three people inside, one of them was a woman with platinum blonde hair and sea green eyes. She was wearing a simple purple, long sleeve top and black trousers. The other two I had met in the breakroom, agents Green and Andrews.

I took a seat next to Jason and he smiled at me.

"Sorry about earlier, sometimes I brag without meaning to," he explained.

I nodded my head. "It's okay I do the same thing."

"Ooh it looks like Lover Boy is already flirting with the New Girl!" Teased Green.

Jason's cheeks flushed red and he bent his head in embarrassment. Out of habit I looked down at my hands and started picking at my fingernails. The woman sitting next to me patted my arm gently.

"Don't worry Mark likes to tease everybody, it's just your turn." she said.

"Aurora Hayes," I said holding out my hand.

"Hayden Johnson." she replied shaking it.

Francesca walked to the front of the room and everyone turned to face her. She clicked a remote in her hand and the screen behind her turned on. A picture of a young red head came up on the screen, along with a missing persons report and images of her body bloody, and mangled. I felt a pang in my heart. She was only twenty eight, four years older than me.

"This is Vanessa Archer, a twenty eight year old student from Denver, Colorado. She was found dead this morning in an alley behind her apartment with her throat slit and a gun shot wound to her forehead, executioner style. She is the third woman to go missing in the past two weeks all of whom were found dead two days later. We've been asked by the local police department to come and assist with the investigation."

She handed us each a file and I flipped through. The other two victims were Cathy Wallace and Jade Garret, both red heads around the same age. They both went to the same collage as Vanessa and their wounds were the exact same.

"It looks like he has a type," I said, thinking aloud

"He?" asked Hayden

"Well based on the wounds inflicted it leads me to believe the assailant is a male. It's too bloody, too messy, a woman would make sure she got the job done cleanly and efficiently. It's part of their nature to be clean and tidy, that's why woman are almost always better homemakers. Men are naturally messy, studies have proven that it goes back to prehistoric times." I explained

"The wound pattern also shows that even though he wanted to make them suffer, he also wanted it done fast. Maybe he was under orders, maybe there's a dominant partner involved." added Jason

"I don't think so," I argued, "to me it looks like he wanted to make sure that they were dead, slit their throats first and then shoot them in the head to be on the safe-side."

"I'm sorry did I ask for your opinion? No? Then stay quiet."

I rolled my eyes and realised that the others were listening intently. I cleared my throat and starting flipping through my file again. I had only been here for five minutes and already I was arguing with someone. Great first impression Aurora, really top notch.

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