Chapter Four

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"If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?"

-Albert Einstein

* * *

It was now hour five of our all-nighter and we were all sitting around the table, all of our files spread out across it. There were Chinese take-out boxes everywhere and about a million cups of coffee. We still had no leads and time was running out.

To make matters worse, not only did I look like a homeless person, I smelled like one too. We had all been wearing the same clothes for almost two days and frankly I was sick of it. I did not function well with only coffee flowing through my veins.

"That's it!" I said throwing my hands up on the air "I can't take it anymore. None of us are getting anywhere and we're not going to if we don't get some sleep."

Jason looked at me and rubbed his eyes sleepily. "It's only midnight, I'm sure we can last another few hours."

"Jason look at your watch again," said Mark.

Jason yawned and pulled up the sleeve of his shirt. His eyes widened when he saw the time. "How is it four o'clock already?"

"That's insomnia for you," I replied sarcastically.

"But I only checked my watch five minutes ago!" he said, still amazed.

"Aurora has a point guys," Hayden said from across the room, "If we want to catch this killer, then we have to be on our A games, and this isn't it."

Mark nodded in agreement, "For once I agree with you Hayden," he joked, although none of us laughed. When Mark was tired his jokes went from hilarious to pathetic like the drop of a hat. "Why don't we go back to our hotel rooms, get some rest and reconvene here at nine o'clock? The other officers can manage without us until then."

We packed up our stuff, told the police chief where we were going, then headed out to the SUVs. Jason, Mark and I took one while Hayden and Francesca took the other. I sat in the front while Mark drove and Jason sat in the back sorting out our room keys.

"Francesca and Hayden will be in room 204, Mark will be in room 205 and Rory and I will share the adjoining rooms in 206. Okay?" he asked. Mark had made it very clear he wanted his own room, apparently Jason snored louder than a pig and Francesca and Hayden didn't want to share with either of them so I basically had no choice in the matter.

"Sure," I said absentmindedly.

Mark chuckled and started singing under his breath "Rory and Jason sittin' in a tree, doin' something they shouldn't be..."

"Shut up, right now!" I screeched, hitting him in the leg.

"Fine, whatever Rory!" he said mockingly.

I looked back at Jason, who was in stitches laughing.

"Apparently Aurora is too prissy!" I said defensively.

"No complaints here!" Mark said raising his hands in mock surrender.

Mark pulled into the hotel car park and we got out. After checking in we took the elevator to the second floor. We were too tired to take the stairs and frankly my feet were killing me from wearing high heels all day. I made a mental note to put a pair of flats in my bag before we left for the station.

Hayden and Francesca were already asleep so after Mark reminded us to be at the station for nine, Jason and I went to our rooms. Marked slipped a piece of paper into Jason's hand but I assumed it was something to do with the case and ignored it. Jason took my bag from me and I unlocked the door. When I walked through the door I found myself standing in a gorgeous living room. It had a huge plasma screen TV and a large black leather couch. On either side of the room was a door leading to our separate bedrooms.

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