Drama, Drama, and More Drama

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Kai and Chanyeol decided it was best if Chanyeol was the one who told Baek since he was his boyfriend. At first Chanyeol wanted Kai to do it since him and Baek have been friends since they were kids so it will be easier for Baek to forgive Kai.

However, Chanyeol on the other hand would look like a jerk who kissed his best friend and might end up being hated and dumped.

The next morning before school, Chanyeol woke up extra early to buy Baek a flower and come chocolates. After buying everything he wanted for Baek he departed from the store and headed for Baek and Kai's house.

When he arrived at the house he stood in front of the door thinking of what to say. He saw this happening one of two ways.

Scenario #1.

Chanyeol rings the doorbell calmly and waits for someone to open the door. He sees a shadow approaching and when the door opens he smiles to see Baekhyun smiling back at him.

"Hey!" Baekhyun exclaims as he jumps into his lovers arms.

"Hey yourself" Chanyeol said happily. "But before we go to school and stuff I have to tell you something. It's important."

Baek looked a little worried. He wondered what was wrong that Chanyeol looked so serious and little bit regretful?

"You know how Kai was feeling down yesterday because of what happened between Kyung and Suho?"

Baek nodded his head and Chanyeol continued, "Well when I dropped you off yesterday, I was walking home and saw Kai sitting alone. I decided to go over and talk to him and we ended up hanging out for a bit and even watched the sunset together."

Baek nodded again but speaking this time, "And what's so important about that. I mean I love that you and Kai are getting to know each other better but you could have just as easily told me that at school or something."

"Well try not to me angry... but... we kissed." Chanyeol said quietly.

Baek froze. No way did he just hear that his best friend and his boyfriend kissed or even made out. He must have been joking. He never did anything wrong with Chanyeol so why would he want to cheat and Kai was his best friend since forever so why would he betray him?

"What?" Baek asked for clarification.

"We kissed. It wasn't that long... maybe a few seconds? It was just a moment thing I swear we have no attraction to each other!" Chanyeol assured.

"You promise is was just a moment thing?" Baek asked with his eyes a little watery.

"Yes I do babe." Chanyeol said with pleading eyes.

"Fine but this is the last time this will happen right?"

"Yes I promise!" Chanyeol said almost jumping for joy.

Chanyeol brought Baek forward and planted a sweet kiss on his lips. This boy was truly perfect.

This was the scenario Chanyeol hoped would go down. However, he also imagined another, more realistic scenario.

Scenario #2.

Chanyeol rings the doorbell calmly and waits for someone to open the door. He sees a shadow approaching and when the door opens he smiles to see Baekhyun smiling back at him.

"Hey!" Baekhyun exclaims as he jumps into his lovers arms.

"Hey yourself" Chanyeol said happily. "But before we go to school and stuff I have to tell you something. It's important."

Baek looked a little worried. He wondered what was wrong that Chanyeol looked so serious and little bit regretful?

"You know how Kai was feeling down yesterday because of what happened between Kyung and Suho?"

You're Just an Effin SlutTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon