Karma is a Bitch

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The show had finally began.

Suho saw Kai smirked and began to get a little worried and curious. He walked up to Kai and pulled him by his arm to the side of the stage.

"What's up?" He asked coolly.

"Nothing much?" Kai said while shrugging and wondering why Suho was asking such a question at such a time.

"You know what I mean. Why are you smirking like an evil genius over here?"

"Oh well because my old friend is here and he would always beat me... I'm glad I can finally show him how amazingly awesome I am and win at something..." Kai said then smiled and nodded at his lie. It was pretty good if he can say so himself.

"Ahh well be careful Ok? Don't hurt yourself trying to show off to that friend."

"Whatever anyways go get finished getting ready!" Kai said while rolling his eyes and shooing away Suho.

Suho sighed and walked off. Kai was acting really weird.

Kyungsoo saw Suho and Kai talking and had to admit he was jealous. This thing has been going on for weeks. He wanted it to end with Kai wrapped in his arms. Kai was just too precious to lose. Whether it be the way his eyes light up like the moon or the way his skin seems to have this electrifying pulse that just attracts him.

Kyung shook his head. He really did give Kai too much credit. He looked at himself in the mirrow and frowned. Why would Kai want him to wear such a suggestive outfit? Kai was a really jealous person so Kyung doesn't see how showing off his goods is what Kai wants.

He got up from where he was sitting and walked over to Suho.

"You know why we are wearing this?"

"Nah." Suho answered happily. "I hate it but whatever it will make him happy I guess."

Kyungsoo nodded. That was the only reason he was doing this in the first place. Kai's happiness. He would run around Seoul City naked if that would make Kai smile.

"Is he acting a bit weird lately?" Suho asked while looking at Kyungsoo with a sudden serious face.

"Oh so you noticed it too? Yeah he is acting weird."

"I'm worried..." Suho whispered but Kyungsoo caught it.

"Me too."

Their conversation broke off into small talk about how they were going to perform with Kai and other non-important crap. On the other side of the stage, Kai was waiting impatiently for his act to come up. He sat there watching performance after performance. Eventually he sighed and took a seat at the back.

"This is going to take a while..."

Eventually he began to enjoy the performances. He watched as a girl a little older than him walked onto the stage.

"Hi~ My name is Taeyeon and I will be singing a self composed song called 'If'" She closed her eyes and sighed before singing in such a beautiful voice Kai began to tear up.

If I go, if I go closer to you

I wonder what you may think, I can’t drum up the courage

If you go, if you go away from me

It is scary to figure out how to let you go

Perhaps, the reason I only look at you, like a fool,

is for fear that you may turn your face away, and

you and I may drift further apart

Perhaps, the reason I can’t say ‘I love you’, like a fool,

You're Just an Effin SlutTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon