Chp.3 The almost kiss

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Bonnie pulls away as Freddy comes up to you both. "Hey Bonnie we are about to perform, do you think you could go get Chica as well I have to talk to y/n for a second.". "Okay Freddy I'll go get Chica."

Bonnie walks away and that leaves you and Freddy alone. He then pulls you into a dark corner and transforms into his human self. You stare wide eyed at him, shocked that last night was actually true about them being human. "How do you do that?!" You whisper-yelled at him.

"We actually don't know, it just started happening. But we learned to control it with the help of a friend." He looked at you and smirked. "Like what you see?" He said wiggling his eyebrows at you.

You laugh, "I liked you in animatronic form better." You joked while lightly hitting his arm. He grabs your wrist and stares at you with seriousness in his eyes. He leans in close and you can feel his warm breathing on your ear.

"Freddy is everything all right?". "Y/n, I can't explain what I feel towards you, I am happy knowing you're happy and sad when you are sad. I don't understand what I feel towards you but I will do everything to make sure you're happy and safe. Understand?" He leans back to look at you.

You nodded your head and he let out a breath of air he had been holding. "Thank god. Okay well I have to go before anyone notices I'm gone." He kissed the edge of your lips and changed into his other self. He then turned and walked away leaving you dumb-founded staring after him.

You stood there for a couple minutes after thinking about what just happened and decided that it was time to go back to your families table. As you were walking you could hear the three animatronics play on stage and with that you smiled like an idiot.

"Hey mom."."Y/n where have you been! We thought you got lost." Your mom sighed and shook her head. "So did you quit like you were thinking?".

"Actually no I didn't. I got overtime, all I do is lock up and clean the animatronics at night then start my regular shift." You say proudly. "Really I'm happy for you sweetheart!".

"MOM!" Both of your siblings run over screaming. Once they get to the table they ask if they can have coins to play games. Your mom hands some money over and you watch them both leave laughing. 'I really hope I was never like this' you thought shaking your head.

1 Hour later

"Blow out your candles guys!" Bonnie said cheerfully.
"And make a wish!" Chica told. Your siblings blew the candles out together and laughed. Then they both started screaming they want cake.

After cake was served you denied it and went for a little walk around the pizzeria. You weren't paying attention and you bumped into a worker. "Oh I'm so sorry I wasn't paying attention!". "Well maybe next you should watch where you are going bitc-".The girl was about to say but Freddy came to the rescue. "Swearing is against the rules here, I will have to tell the manager what you said to the customer. Workers here must be respectful and nice on duty, not rude. Please apologize to the lady for saying what you did." You laughed on the inside at what he said. The girl looked at him and said whatever and left. You looked at Freddy and smiled. "Thank you Freddy, but I have to go home, I'll see you tonight okay?". "Okay y/n. See you tonight."

30 minutes later

You were in the car with your family on your way home and all you thought about was 'He almost kissed me!' You played that over in your head the whole day.

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