Chp.4 part.1 The three words

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Freddy pov

"Okay y/n. See you tonight." She turned and walked away to the main room to go to her family.

I really like her, she is such a sweet person. She deserves to be happy all the time. I was about to walk to the backstage area but got a bit side-tracked.

"Well that was cute.". I turn around only to come face to face with a good pal. "What do you want?"

"I just want to warn you.". "Warn me about what?" I ask a little bit scared at what he may say. "Well nothing major just that something is going to happen to someone tonight.". "What's going to happen and who is it going to happen to?" I ask a little shocked. "Ah, but you see that is the mystery. I know, but I'm not supposed to tell you who or what or any major details. You will find out later. Just keep an eye on that little night-guard of yours." He turns around to leave.

I grab his wrist so he stops and turns around to me "Wait before you.. uh.. go. What do I feel towards her? I can't figure it out.". I let go of his wrist and scratch the back of my neck and let out a light chuckle. "My dear Freddy, what you feel is love towards her." He said while pointing to the place where I should have a heart.

I look at him and shake my head, "No! You of all people know we cannot love. We are dead! We are just animatronics that turn human. But even then, we are still robots. I don't even have a heart, instead I have a circuit breaker there. Where my veins should be I have wires. Where my bones should be I have an endoskeleton. We are not capable of feeling love, only happiness and sadness.". "My dear Freddy, I understand what you say but that girl she is changing you slowly. She is turning you human!" I stare at him wide eyed. "What?!"

"Listen Freddy I have to go now but just remember be careful, watch out for tonight and take care of her okay?". "Alright, Thank you, Bye!"

2 hours later

I watch as y/n walks in and goes to her office to drop off her bag. The manager then walks over and says bye then leaves. Leaving her alone with all of us. Guys I am going to go and get y/n." And with that I got off the stage and left.

When I got to the office, I closed the door I came through and she was looking at me in the most adorable way ever. I then proceeded to close the other door. "Why are you closing the doors Freddy?" She asks shyly. "Well I just want to talk to you in private where the others cannot hear us." I say as I sit in the office chair. "Oh okay. What do you want to talk about?"

I look at her and lean in close to whisper the three words I hope she will say back. "I love you y/n, I know we have only been friends for a day but I love you, and I will do anything to make you happy." I waited for her to respond but she didn't. I turned around and opened the door about to leave but I could faintly hear her. "Freddy?" I kept going and that's when she ran in front of me and grabbed my shoulders to stop me. I couldn't look at her it would hurt too much. "Freddy look at me, please?" She practically begged. God I can't keep ignoring her. so with a sigh I looked down at her tiny frame. Only to be pulled into a kiss, I grabbed the sides of her face and kissed back with all the passion I had in me. She had her fingers in my hair and her body pressed right against mine, we both leaned back to catch our breath. "Freddy I love you too."

I looked at her and smiled like a crazy person but did I care no because I had her. We both turned our heads in the direction of our friends giggling and shushing. God I wish everything could stay like it is in this moment, but nothing can stay the same forever.

ᵔᴥᵔ Okay so who do you think this mystery person is??

And OMG the feels of writing this chapter had me smiling like crazy. But you had your first kiss!!!!!!! ᵔᴥᵔ 

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