Chp.9 Oh No

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Y/n pov
Oh no. This can not be happening. It has to be another nightmare. You will wake up from this and they will be in their beds sleeping. You hope.
You run out of your room to theirs and see no one in there. You run downstairs calling your parents names but no one is there as well.
You see a note on the fridge and go up to read it.
Me your father and the twins all went to the pizzeria for lunch. We would have invited you but you were sleeping so peacefully we did not want to wake you.
Love mom(:
'Okay I am just over exaggerating. They are not dead. It was just a dream. They are out having fun with mom and dad at the.. Pizzeria..'
That's where it took place. But mom and dad are watching them so they should be okay. They never let those two out of their sights because they always get in to some mischief.
While you were thinking you instantly grabbed your bag and ran out of the house locking it. 
You kept walking until you got to the bus stop and waited.
A couple minutes later the bus approached and you got on and payed. You found an empty seat on the side and sat down.
You looked around nervously hoping that the nightmare was just a nightmare.
But that note and flower on the desk. Who would have done that. Gone through all the trouble. And would have known about the nightmare you just had to be able to plan that out and pull it off.
It must be real.
You got up out of your seat and off the bus. You walked down the street to the pizzeria and checked your phone to see if your parents called. 'You're over exaggerating they are fine.' You kept repeating that in your head to make yourself feel better. But either way. You are going to tell Freddy.
You walk into the pizzeria and go throughout the building looking for you little brother or sister. You cannot find them.
You have checked everywhere except for one place. The back room.
You were walking over there but then Chica stops you midway.
"Hello y/n! How are you?" Chica asks from the voice box. "Chica I'm sorry but I have got to go somewhere right now it's really impor-" You stop when you hear a scream. A really loud child's scream. Nothing mattered right then and there, you start running toward the scream and push through people to get to it.
Once finally coming upon where it came from. You see a mom holding her crying child in front of the open door to the back room.
Before you looked in there you knew what it was. The smell was the thing that set it off for you.
Pushing past the crying child and the mother. You make it into the back room.
There you find your little brother and sister. Dead.
You didn't notice that Freddy picked you up in his animatronic suit and moved you into pirates cove without anyone looking. He switched back into his human form and just held you. Knowing you needed to calm down from the sight of your siblings.
There was one thing on your mind the entire time. 'Who was that animatronic and why did he do that to them?'

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