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I was no longer burning, but my anger became a fire of his own

The urge to spill his blood, was sudden, but addictive

At full speed I ran out the door, my clothes were nothing but singed fabric hanging around me

But nevertheless I ran and it was faster then I have ever moved before

I ran up behind the car, matching it's speed and smiled at the disgusting bastard

He screamed and swerved the truck, bringing it close enough for me to climb onto the cab, and with my bare hand I leaned over and shattered the window

I could see it in his eyes, a fear for his life

It was delicious, his fear made my blood boil over.

That's when my addiction started

I jumped in through the open window and turned the truck out of traffic, flipping it over and with ease I grabbed his pocket knife and slit his throat, I laughed as he chocked on his own blood, trying to scream, but unable to, due to the fact that he was drowning in his own gore

I sliced off bits of flesh until he wasn't much more then a stained skeleton, his fluids and flesh strewn around bits of crushed metal and broken glass

*temporary end of flashback*
just as I was about to continue the story, but I couldn't let her hear what I did next,

Hearing about how I got mutilated and brutality tortured and killed a man is fine, hearing about my blood lust, fine.

But I would let her hear... I couldn't let her hear what I did with the flesh.

Because she already thinks I'm a monster for killing people, imagine what she would think of me I she knew I was a cannibal too

I shivered at the look of disgust and disappointment I imagined in her eyes

And I continued the story


That's when I realized I could hear screaming

"Sophie" I whispered as I opened the door to the cargo area of the moving truck

Young girls were toppled over each other, some moving some not, the ones that were conscious, were screaming, crying and bleeding

I couldn't see Sophie

I searched through the mess of crying girls, quite a few of them pointed at me and screamed

It felt like a stab in the heart hearing that

And then I saw her, I carried Sophie out first, and then one by one, the other girls

I tried to hide my face as she laid on the ground beside me

In a dizzy slurred voice, she asked me

"J-J-Jeff?" "J-J-Jeff what's going on"

She looked right at me, but her pupils were dilated, if she could see me (which I doubt) it was blurry at best

"Your gonna be ok" I whispered through a raspy voice

I hoped, hoped hard that once the drugs wore off she wouldn't remember... But the fact that she actually didn't... The fact that she had no idea that I became this way to save her...

I returned her to her bed at home, and I left two notes, one in the kitchen for her parents, telling them that she barely made it out of danger...

But I also told them that her friend died, and I wasn't wrong, the person I was, died saving her, I told them in the note that it would be safer if they moved a far away as possible.

I have Sophie a very different note

'I'm going to miss you Soph, I wish we could still talk, but you're parents were talking about moving, I think it would be better if you didn't try to contact me, ok? Do me a favor, and forget I exist"

When she woke up, and her parents realized she didn't remember, they probably decided it was best to preserve her innocence, to tell her everything was fine. I don't blame them, I would have done the same thing

*~end of flashback~*

She stood jaw dropped.

"I-I don't believe it, you have to be lying" but even though that's what her words said, her voice said that it explained everything

I always imagined what she would grow up to look like, but I guess I always thought she would turn out to be cute, baby faced maybe, but she turned out to be beautiful

That's why I didn't recognize her when I took her legs.. Because she was too beautiful to be the little innocent girl I knew.

An when we met again the other day, I didn't recognize her again, because she was more beautiful still, only this time, she had also matured quite a bit

Perfect breasts, soft rosy lips, wide almond eyes, and a perfect hourglass body stood where nieve little Sophie once did

An although her body has matured, and although she learned to be tough, I could tell she was probably still veery clueless sexually

"I have an idea" I said flatly, trying to lighten up the mood

I grabbed her by the good arm, and although shocked, and probably not pleased, she followed me

She followed me

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