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The next thing I remembered When we made it to a dingy little safe house was Ben and Sally practically leaping onto me with hugs the second I was seen.

The surprise and relief in their eyes to see that Jeff and I had buried the hatchet, was really the icing on the cake

And for just a moment I had a feeling I knew I never wanted to forget... It was like we were a real family, with Jeff next to me and these two kids in my arms, I didn't mind if we were on the run for the rest of our lives, because everything I need is in those two people

Although I had one sinking thought

We will be on the run forever

And there's nothing I can do about it

Jeff looked at me with worry and asked if I was alright

Out of reflex or perhaps even instinct... I smile brightly and put on a brave face

"I'm fine...I'm always fine" I insisted

He just nodded slowly and frankly I'm not sure if he believed me.

But the sight of his face through the orange evening glow, as the dust that filled the air danced around him like fireflies, caught my heart tightly. Any sane person would be disgusted or afraid... I guess I'm not a sane person, because every time I see him the strings around my heart tighten in a raw and beautiful pain

I just want him to be happy, but I know that there's a part of him who never will be.

I pressed my lips onto his without a second thought to the kids beside us

"Geez get a room!" Ben said, trying to cover up his relief with disgust

"That sounds like a great idea" I said with a loud and honest laugh

And I could feel Jeff's face blush as he turned bright red

"Hey it's not funny! Don't tease me like that!" He said with slight annoyance

I raised one eyebrow and got up close to his face

"Now... Why would I do that when its so cute to see you blush"

I didn't think it was possible for him to get redder but he did

"You better be careful being so bold"
He whispered breathlessly

" I might get emotionally attached to you if you don't stop"

I rolled my eyes

"You fucking idiot~" I said as I leaned in for another kiss

(Don't worry the kids had run off to another room a while ago)

"~Thats kind of the idea"

he pulled away and put his hands on my shoulders to keep some distance

"Look, I know you're eager to make up for lost time... But we're kind of in the middle of running from the law, between the four of us we've probably killed enough people to populate a small South American country, I don't think they'll let us go without a fight, so please... Don't distract me, or else I won't be able to fight them... To save you"

I nodded with understanding

But let's be honest, I didn't listen to most of what he said, because the damn thing wasn't a sentence it was a monologue

"Fine" I said reluctantly as I kissed him on the nose
"But you owe me one mister"

He nodded with a pair of sad eyes glued onto me

All I want is to give him a chance to be happy again, but I feel so lost... I don't know how to do it


I walked away with no indication on my face of the conflict in my heart

But as soon as I was alone I sat down and I cried

I cried long and hard until I was sure there wasn't another tear left in my whole body

I decided then that I would do anything in my power to protect them... All I need to do is find out what that is...

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