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Also my character's name is Sophia
Because I need at least one book with a character who has that name so that I didn't have to change my username
"A yellow sun dress I think, and a little purple jacket. That's what I was wearing... my hair? Stuck into a dainty pair of braids."

Everyone else in the circle stared at me in disbelief
"I don't believe it"
"Doesn't sound like you at all!"

I hated these meetings, 'therapy' for the 'trauma' I had gone through.

But sharing my past wasn't something I was keen on.
Of you look at me now, the image I described of a sweet dainty girl was nothing like the person before you.

Im strong, lean muscle, I used to just be small pathetic honestly,

My wavy chestnut brown hair has been cut in a bob and usually sits in a small ponytail

"And how old were you?" The middle aged woman with a clipboard asked me

"14" I responded

"Now... if you feel ready, could you finally tell us what really happened?"

Now I got angry, I've gone to this stupid support group before, they keep asking me the same questions, and they keep not believing it.

"You want the truth?" I asked

"Whenever you're ready"

I stood up, and walked into the middle of the circle they were all sitting in

"I was on my way home" I said flatly
I had a little brown back-pack on.

"Where were you coming from?" The woman asked me.

"It's not important"

"Your right" she said in a regretful voice

"It was just after the sun set I think, the air was cold, cold enough for the air to pinch at my face, so I was eager to get home. about two blocks in I got this weird feeling"

"Could you describe it for us Sophia?"

Before I opened my mouth to answer, someone interrupted

"This is where the lies come in"

I shot a glance at the chubby (and honestly annoying) girl named Cya, she always had a way of putting her two cents in, as if she knew everything. her messy blonde hair looked as if it hasn't been brushed in years, she had a whole mess of acne, and her body oder seemed to enter the room before she did

I brushed her comment and continued

"It's like, the feeling you're being watched, and then the feeling you get when you miss a step on the stairs and start falling... all at once"

"What happened next" the woman asked

"I began sweating, and I was spinning around, looking to see if anyone was following me, I ran past a street light and into an alley"


"I looked around again"
"When I turned around I saw him behind me"

"Can you describe him?"

"Pale, like paper, his eyes were ringed in black, and I could swear that I didn't see him blink, not even once... and his smile"

I struggled to keep my voice from faltering

"If you need to stop its all right Sophia"

"I'm fine" I said through clenched teeth and tight fists

"His smile... was cut open, lined with blood, you could see his back teeth every time he opened his mouth..."

I really did try... but I couldn't talk about that creature for long before I collapsed onto my knees, clutching myself. fighting back gasps and sobs

"Let's change the subject shall we?" The woman said cheerfully

This was all the reminder I needed, to remember that people don't really care about my story, my feelings, they don't matter, I know because if she did are, she wouldn't be smiling like a kid on summer break, while I sat on the ground fighting the insanity that clawed its way around my head.

"How's your..." the woman swallowed hard as she forced an uncomfortable smile "...girlfriend?" I asked

"Oh yes her"
"Leave her out of this"

"Well I've been thinking..." She said

"...Are you ready to accept that perhaps your relationship with her is based on this... incident causing you to fear men?"

"I don't fear men," I said coldly
I shot her a glare and the woman shrunk back in the chair like the scared weasel she was

But then I whispered under my breath... where no one could hear my and I said "it's just that man I fear..."

Without another word I got up and just left, a few people called out at me to stay, but their words were a white noise that I didn't plan on listening to.


As I began walking my legs began to squeak.

I looked down at my prosthetics to make sure everything was in order,

That's right, I have my natural knees but below that my legs is gone, that bastard took them from me, I looked down at it and I could still remember the knife exposing my bone and pealing back my skin, staining everything around me in bright red.

That's how I met my girlfriend actually... she called the police, she rescued me and took me to a hospital, I owe her my life... her name is Lucy and she's the cutest sweetest little red head on the planet, she's the one light in my life... I don't know what I'd do without her...

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