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**sophie's pov**

I woke up in the woods, flames still burning around me as I lay on the ground.

I blinked slowly in the thick air, what happened?

Faded bits of memory seemed to rise up with the smoke

Blood... I think...


*** FLASH BACK ***

"Say it" I whispered at the man who I brought to my home, the fire was still raging outside, the man was tied up, pleading for mercy

"I think you should call me what I want" I said again

"Yes... Queen" he gaged dryly

"Queen of what?" I corrected him

"Queen... Of... Hearts" he said slowly, looking at just that, hearts, just out of the chests of humans, hung around my walls.

I didn't want the bodies, only the red hearts... Only the hearts are pretty

"Damn right" I growled as I carved his own heart out of his chest, after the screaming had ceased I giggles softly and corrected myself

"Oh how improper, of me"

I dragged his body to a pile of others on the floor
And I strung up his own heart with a few others, singing slowly to myself.

"~Got a secret~"
"~Can you keep it?~"
"~Swear this one you'll save...~"
"~better lock it... In your pocket...~"
"~...Taking this one to the grave~"
"Cause two can keep a secret if one of them is...dead"

Oh yes, because you see, I told them each something, something I couldn't keep to myself.

So they had to die

I couldn't stand being the only one who knew how I felt, I went into this state of mania, I wasn't in control of me anymore, I was just watching as another force seemed to take over

I giggled softly as I ran my fingers delicately over the hearts

After all... It's not ladylike to fall so deeply for one's best friend...

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