Catching up

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Naruto was already back to town as he snapped his fingers. Others looked at him weirdly, but what he just did was release Neji from the flame cuffs. He had made small talk with the rest, leaving the juicy details for when they were eating. They finally got to the stand of legend. The food of the gods. Beauty that would make Aphrodite sweat.

"Yo, old man!"

Teuchi, the owner of Ichiraku ramen, grew a tick mark at the comment.

"Hey! Who the hell are you calling old man punk?!" He yelled as he looked at the teen in front of him. Ayame had come over to see what all the commotion was about.

"Only the best noodle maker ever! Believe it!" Naruto said, resurfacing his verbal tic to help the old man. It didn't really help, he fainted. Then Ayame flew back with a nosebleed and hit her head, knocking her out. Naruto visibly sobbed.

"2 years...I've waited 2 years to eat the food of the gods again..." He said, crocodile tears streaming down his cheeks. The konoha twelve(minus Neji) sweat dropped at the situation.

'And I really thought he had matured...' Sakura thought to herself. Teuchi, the owner of Ichiraku, along with his daughter slowly woke up.

"Agh, I had the strangest dream that Naruto was ba-" he looked up and saw Naruto again. He fainted. Again. Ayame also blew back from another nosebleed, but didn't hit her head. She was conscious enough to put nose plugs in to stop the bleeding and proceeded to make the noodles for them.

"So Naruto, what exactly have you been doing over the past two years?" Kakashi asked as Naruto finished his 17th bowl of ramen.

"Well, for one I nearly toppled a government." He said, remembering his time his mission brought in line with revolutionaries as he met Luffy's father. Everyone else paled at what he said.

" what?" Shikamaru asked.

"I almost toppled a government. During my training I was sent on missions to gain experience. Originally, I was supposed to just get some information from a marine base, but I encountered the revolutionary army and decided to help them." He said between slurps.

"So, you almost?" Kakashi asked.

Naruto smiled and scratched the back of his head, "I kind of picked up a bad habit from my captain."

"What exactly did you do?" Sakura asked, intent on hearing what had happened.

"Well...we got to the throne room...and I fell asleep in the middle of the fight." He said. Everyone sweat dropped again.

"You WHAT?!"

"Hey! My teacher wanted to see how long I could last without sleep! You try staying up for three days straight training, two days of running and half a day fighting!" Naruto defended. Oh the mistake he made.

"SUCH A CHALLENGE IGNITES MY FLAME OF YOUTH! I WILL SUCCEED IN DOING THIS AND WE SHALL SPAR MY YOUTHFUL FRIEND!" Lee yelled as he jumped out and landed on his thumbs as he ran to train.

"THAT'S THE SPIRIT LEE!" Gai yelled as he jumped out and followed his disciple on his thumbs. Weirdness aside, the Konoha Twelve spent their time packed in Ichiraku's, catching up.

"So Naruto, now that you're back, what exactly are you going to do?" Shikamaru asked. Naruto smirked.

"Now that, my pineapple headed friend, is a secret." Naruto joked. "But if you really must know, first I'm going to claim my parents heritage."

"You found out who your parents are?" Sasuke asked, surprised.

"Yup!" Naruto said and opened his mouth like he was about to speak...then went back to eating ramen. Sasuke grew a tick mark while everyone else sweat dropped. Sasuke put Naruto in a chokehold and yelled, "YOU BASTARD, YOU CAN'T JUST SUCK US IN LIKE THAT AND GO BACK TO EATING!!!"

"*gulp* WATCH ME!" Naruto yelled as he continued attempting to eat with an enraged face, Sasuke's arm still firmly around his throat. Everyone sweat dropped even deeper at the display.

"Oh jeez. Was I really obsessed with him?" Sakura said, slumped shouldered. This made Naruto stop what he was doing and give her a confused look. He proceeded to put a finger in front of Sasuke's face and flicked him out of the stall.

"You actually got out of that phase?" Naruto asked, giving a skeptical look.

"Well yeah, I mean he has a girlfriend now." Sakura said. Naruto immediately perked up and ran out to the wall Sasuke was stuck in and pulled him out, lifting him up and twirling in circles.

"I knew you could do it! I mean I had some suspicions that said you wouldn't get a girl as a special friend, but I still woulda treated you the same! Good for you!" Naruto said, still twirling Sasuke around like a proud brother.

"Gah! What the he- PUT ME DOWN DOBE!" Sasuke yelled. Naruto dropped him, but still had his hands on Sasuke's shoulders.

"So, who's the lucky girl?"

"I-I am, N-Naruto-kun."

Naruto took his hands off Sasuke's shoulder and looked back to see Hinata. For a second he looked down, shadows covering his eyes. He had a frown on his face.

"Naruto?" Sasuke asked.

Naruto turned around, his eyes still covered. Sasuke noticed there were tears streaming down Naruto's face.


Naruto put a hand on Sasuke's shoulder, revealing his face to be a sappy, heart filled passion. "I'M-I'm so proud of you! To have gotten such a beautiful woman!" Naruto said, giving a corny thumbs up. He then wrapped his arms around the two.

"So when's the wedding? How many kids you two having? OH! Can I name one of them?!" Naruto said excitedly. Sasuke blushed at the suggestion of marriage and kids while Hinata downright fainted.

"Oh, so she still hasn't gotten over that habit of hers. Here you go!" Naruto said as he picked Hinata up bridal style and put her in Sasuke's arms and ran back inside.

"Wai- dobe! What the hell?! The Hyuuga's don't kno-"

"Hinata? Sasuke, why is Hinata knocked out and why are you carrying her like a couple?" Neji asked as he just got back to the village.

"Uhhh..... Well... You see." Sasuke said as he turned around and booked it.

"Ya know, with a byakugan, I woulda thought your family woulda known about them." Naruto said, arms crossed and smiling.

"Oh, we know. All of us, we've even set up a betting ring for whether the first kid will have a byakugan or a sharingan." Neji said. His face was still neutral, but to highly trained eyes, the side of his mouth was curled upwards, ever so slightly. Naruto let out a laugh.

"Who said Hyuuga's didn't have a sense of humor?" Naruto said as he unfolded his arms and motioned for Neji to come.

"C'mon man, now that you're over fate, we can talk. Let me buy you a bowl."

"I'm not opposed to the idea." Neji said, walking in and joining the rest.

Hey guys, been a while hasn't it? Anyway, here's the chapter! And even better I made another story, "Beacons Centurion" :D it's only got 1 chapter but I checked out the length and it's 40 pages(mobile version). Please show it some love! But first, show this some love! Please vote and comment! Till next time, PEACE!

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