Chapter 3

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Minho's POV.

Oh my god. Newt's family is still alive! Well at least his sister is. I say we get out of paradise and go find him and re join him and his sister. Oh wait we can't do that his sister looks immune and he's... not. I do wonder what it would be like to know my family. Hun... maybe they are looking for me. I wonder what they look like? Do I have siblings. Do they have amazing hair like me? They better have the sass like me though. Where did th-

"Well I should also tell you I am Newts mother. Sandra." Said the older lady said. "Any way you Thomas you did a horrible thing. Would you do the honors of telling everyone or should I?" What's this crazy girl talking about.

"Thomas what is she talking about. Do u know something?" I say.

"Minho I'm sorry. He just..." Thomas began but was cut off by Kylia cut him off.

"Don't be sorry Thomas. If you were sorry you wouldn't have done it. You killed him! You Thomas!" Kylia exclaimed. Wait. What Thomas killed some one? I don't believe her for a second. Who is as confused as me? "It's all your fault. All your fault! He's dead because of you! We could of came up with a cure but no you go around and killing people! He would of been the very first one with the cure! He would still be alive Thomas! YOU KILLED HIM! YOU KILLED NEWT!"

"YOU WHAT THOMAS?" No, no, no,no, no,no. I can't believe it. "Thomas, tell me that she isn't right, please Thomas. You didn't kill him right?" I said directly to Thomas.

"I'm sorry Minho. I didn't want to. He just... I don't know."

"I can't believe you Thomas we were brothers." I say then walk away. I need time to think and be alone. There is olny one thing on my mind right now.

Newt's dead but wicked is not.



Sorry it's a filler chapter. I deleted this chapter about 3 times not likening it and then about 3 times on a accident. I'm so sorry it's so short to but I hope you like it.

On a different note I saw Scorch trials and ajdiejsndhudnsm.

Ok bye peoples.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2015 ⏰

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