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Rivannas pov
I wake up that morning and get a weird text from Matthew
I responded back what matt?
But it was left on Sent. It's okay I will ask him about it when I see him later. I head into school and I spot romeo
"Hey where's Matthew?" I said walking in the same pace as romeo
"That's what I'm wondering freeman why... uck it's just weird calling you freeman now" he said looking around
I looked around also "I got a weird text from him"
I spotted Blake and I waved at him he waved back and Stephanie on the other side of the hallway giving me a dirty look
"What the fuck is that slut looking at" romeo said giving a disgusted face at Stephanie
She turns to romeo and smiles at him as if she's hitting on him "uck what a fucking whore come on rivanna don't let her sluttiness rub off on you" he said grabbing my shoulders and guiding me into class still giving her a disgust face
"Thanks romeo" I said
3 days passed by and matt still hasn't came back me and romeo started to get more and more worried .. Romeo went up to me after school
"We need to find matt you said the text was something about a lock combo and random shit right.. come on" he runs to his bike
I take my skateboard out of my locker and start following him to matt house. He boosted me up into matts window and he climbed in the room. We scanned the room.. empty bottles of liquor and it smelled like weed around his bed.
"Oh no ohh noo no noo" romeo said "fuck why did I give him so much of this shit"
I looked around his room "he said a lock combo" It took me a while and there was a note in his closet that said LOCK COMBO and numbers enough to open a locker. We took the clues and we were heading to the school.
"Wait romeo" I say stopping romeo "let's talk to his parents"
Romeo knocked on the door and a women in her late 30 ' s answered "may I help you" She said
"Yeah we're looking for Matthew" I said nicely
"He's not here right now sorry" She said looking around
A man came to the door and looked at me and romeo "are you Matthews friends"
Romeo blurted in a stern voice "were here for a assignment that's due we need info here"
"Look young man don't use that tone on us" the man said demanding to romeo
Romeo changed his voice to a girly high pitched tone " Okay sirrr can we know where Matthew is now times is wasting"
"We don't know where he is .. we are thinking you do" the women said sternly
I said rudely "look if we knew where he is we wouldn't be here asking you right now, but if you lost him we can just tell the councils and- "
"Look little lady go fail your assignment matt isn't here right now and if he was here he wouldn't even help you guys he's too fucking worthless" the man said
I looked up at the man dead in the eye "who are you to tell me that your own child is worthless. Is this the type of bullshit you tell every kid. Go think about what you say before you start telling me stupid crap like that" I say stepping forward
Romeo grabs me "look if you guys are just going to tell us some WORTHLESS fucking info don't talk shit about matt, don't be a bitch to his friends just like you guys bitch off on him."
The man said angrily "Get the hell out of our house before we-"
"Before you what huh you can't abuse us you can't get away with that trust me" romeo said cutting him off
The man grabs me and romeos arms and throws us out "what are you going to do about it huh I can beat your asses like I did too Matthew"
"You really don't know who I am don't you" I said in a intimidating voice looking at him straight in the eye
"I don't care who you are" he said
"Your going to regret what you said, I can hurt you in several different ways" I said as I got up
"Like how little cunt" he screams angrily
I brought out my phone from my front pocket and shook to the camera "let's see how my uncles that are cops feel about this"
I stop the recording as me and romeo rode away as fast as possible. It was about to turn 5 pm we rode to school and went to matts locker we opened it and it showed a map it was pinned in the middle of San Francisco. And in the back it said a address
2849 willow and 19th street.
"HE WENT TO SAN FRAN!!!!!" I said in shock
"at least it's not like maryland right ...." romeo said nervously
I looked at him agitated "romeo where in LA and we can't drive it's going to take us days to get there you realize that righttt?"
"look please I need your help you need to come with me to look for matt I need you more than ever I can't do this by myself!" He begged
"How are we going to get there" I asked
"I will find a way just please if it's not full proof enough for you I will go by myself but I really need you for this" he said begging
"I can't just let you go by yourself romeo" I said trying to knock some sense into him
He looked at me in the eye "just because it's out of our comfort zone and it's not easy doesn't mean it is impossible"
He had a point I have to help him he doesnt even know where San Francisco is "12 o clock pick me up try calling matt text me when your there okay"
Romeo pleaded "Promise and be ready remember this is for matt I really love him and don't let me dow-"
"I'm going were doing this okay I trust you" I said
I went home and tried texting matt and calling him no answers his phone probably died there was only one way to find him now. I Google the directions to the address. I grabbed out all the money out of my Jar that said adventure there wasn't enough to cover me and romeo I texted romeo to bring a decent amount of money and he said he has everything covered.
I brang my emergency credit card and as much money as possible in a wallet and I grabbed my big backpack and packed a decent amount of clothes and supplies also my phone charger and earphones of course. I wrote a note to my parents and a note to may. It was 11:50 am and romeo was on his way over I changed into shorts and a tee and over it I put on a pj onezie and my converse on.
Come out hurry and get some back up food romeo texted me
I grabbed as much snacks and drinks as possible and walked out the window I handed romeo the food and went towards the driveway I brang out my bike and I was shocked.
"ROMEO PETERSON!!!" I screamed whispered

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