silence is violence

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A cloudy cold fall winterish Wednesday morning. I walked with romeo to starbucks to get a nice warm coffee and muffin again muffins make everything better. We were worried of what people would say or ask. We got there pretty early so we sat down at the tables. Apparently last night romeo took matt into a nice hotel close by were they can stay for a while.
"Where have you two been?!?!" Helena asked sitting next to me
Me and romeo explained.. During explaining a lot of people looked and whispered about me and romeo
"Well well well if it isnt my best buddy romeo where have you been" Stephanie asked approaching us
"Stop don't sit down back the fuck away. I really hate being near to you" romeo said angrily "and we're not friends .. and never will be"
Stephanie sat down "I bet you will come around sometime"
Romeo stood up "really I just said don't sit down you had one damn command do you listen at all I hate you fucking whore my god get the hell of my damn sight!!!" He says grabbing me and Helena
"I don't get why you choose to be friends with fake little red rivanna and gothy helenah" She said confidentially
Romeo looked back and sighed "and I don't get why you choose to act like your better than everyone because uh news flash your just a slut have fun with your herpes"
We dropped Helena to her 1st period class and me and romeo walked to our class I saw Blake at his locker and he saw me and waved. Oh no not now ugh I don't wanna talk to him.
Romeo looked at Blake and grabbed my shoulders and guided me into class "don't worry"
"What do I do about him" I asked romeo
"I will help don't worry" romeo said
During passing period me and romeo would talk and make a fake excuses to the teachers on why we were absent for a while. People would question why we went missing and came back in the same day but we never responded. Every time romeo spotted Blake he would grab my arm and play it off as if he was trying to hurry me. I saw Stephanie trying to hug and talk to Blake but he was trying to get my attention as romeo pulls me away.
The lunch bell rings and I walk with romeo to the doors put of the building "I GOT YOU!!" Blake grabs my stomach and carry me away from romeo
I try to grab the door and hold on to romeo as Blake kept holding on tight "let go blake!" I said struggling
"Why baby.. don't you miss me" he said hugging me
"NO SHE DOESNT!" Romeo exclaimed pulling me out of blakes embrace
Blake grabbed my stomach "Shut up Romeo you wouldn't know shit she loves me"
"Well guess what Blakey-poo I do.. now let go she doesn't need you!" Romeo said trying to lead me away
"Fuck off Petersons she's my girlfriend she needs me more than she will ever need you" Blake said arguing
"BLAKE STOP IT!" I said pulling away from Blake
Blake let go "what.. but I love you.. don't you wanna talk" he seem sad
"Yeah you have some explaining to do..." I said glaring at him
People were looking and whispering "what do you mean baby" he says moving towards me to hug me
I back away "so how's Stephanie"
He stopped and looked down "what about her.." he whispered
"I'm here I'm great!" Stephanie said from the crowd
"SHUT UP NO ONE GIVES A SHIT " Romeo screamed
"Mmm I've heard you been cheating on me" I said
"YEAH why you do it huh blake?!?" Romeo said insisting
"Babe really I would never cheat on you where did you hear this from huh..., Romeo he's obviously just trying to get us to break up so he can be with you!" Blake said pushing romeo
Romeo pushed back "I wouldn't lie to Lanta like how you do!"
"Get off me Petersons she's mine not yours back off outta my girlfriend" Blake said pushing back romeo even more
"BLAKEEEE STOP HURTING MY BOYFRIEND!!!!" Stephanie says trying to help pick up romeo
Blake stood confused "what? Rivanna please just-"
"EWWWW GET AWAY FROM ME SLUT" romeo says crawling away and grabbing my arm so I can pick him up "I TOLD YOU TO GET AWAY DIDNT I?!?!"
Stephanie tried getting to romeo "But romeo can we just-"
Romeo cut her off "SOMEONE HELP! I DONT WANT HERPES" romeo squealed grabbing me and histerically using me as a shield to block Stephanie
"For the last time Petersons OFF MY GIRLFRIEND" he pushed and slapped romeo to the wall
Matt came through the door "what the hell is happening"
"BLAKEEEE STOP IT!" I said picking up romeo "Were done I know you cheated on me"
"It's all your fault Peterson! Stop making up shit" Blake argued at romeo
"Fuck off blake we have proof you cheated on rivanna" matt said holding the picture of stephanie and blake kissing
"That wasnt me .." blake said softly
"BULL FCKN SHIT " matt said angrily punching blake in the face and vigorously knocking him towards the floor
Romeo laughed and sang "Hah why the fuck you lying oh mah gawdddd stahp lyinnn"
"I cannot believe you would lie to me like that" i said sad
Blake was trying to get up through romeo to comfort me "i still love you like crazy"
Romeo angrily shoved him "You still cheated on her you lying little fucking-"
Blake punched romeo across the face before he could finish "how do i know you werent cheating on me with this little ass huh?? Isnt it a coincidence you guys left and came in the exact same day!!!!"
Romeo got back up and punched blake
"Thats different romeo is just my friend..i dont like him that way!" I agrued back at blake
Matt was agressively pulling back blake to keep him away from me "STOP HURTING HER YOU LITTLE BITCH!"
Blake trying to get to me but matt and romeo are pulling him back "you cheated on me too! But i still love you and you have to forgive me! Just let me talk to her!!!!! Romeo and matt keep holding blake tightly as he struggled more and more"Stop getting in the way of me and my girlfriend Romeo!"
Romeo pushed blake to the floor "shut up blake! Lanta isnt cheating on you because ..." he hesistated and looked around out the crowd "BECAUSE IM GAY ... IM WITH MATTHEW.... AND I HAVE NO INTEREST IN LANTA AND YOUR SLUTTY SIDE HOE!" He said screaming towards blake and stephanie
"LIES! YOUR TRYING TO TAKE HER AWAY" blake said screaming back
"Oh yeah mm romeo stahp lyin ight well" he drops all his stuff and kisses matthew "NOT LIESSS!"
Stephanie and Blake and everyone else who was watching were in shock "Babe im so sorry! Please give me another chance"
Stephanie went up to me "You made him gay! You see what you did you little fuck you made him gay so he wouldnt date me it all makes sense!!!"
"What get off me!" I said pushing her back but she kept pulling and tugging my hair and clothes
"Leave her alone!" Blake said
"Shut up blake you caused this!" She said
Suddenly this girl with bleach blonde bangs comes and pushes stephanie on the floor "Fuck off for once! Leave rivanna alone.."
"Oh great ... Jenny you again!" Stephanie says pushing her back
Jenny was one of blakes exes. I remember he told me about her .. but why would she help me ...
"Blake you never cared about your girlfriends you just cared about your ego!" Jenny said giving a dirty look at blake

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