chapter 5

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Krissa's POV

"Why didn't you tell me honey?" Those were the last words I heard before I had a mini panic attack and ran out of my own shop like a scared little rabbit. Amber had already pissed me off and made me feel like crap. I wasn't about to let him make me feel like a fool too. I stopped for a split second to remember where I parked. That's when a massive pair of hands and arms wrapped around me from behind and lifted me off my feet.

When I was finally released Brantley had brought me back in my book shop and sat me on the counter. He never said a word, just strolled over and locked the door like he owned the place. I found my voice when he flipped the closed sign on. "Whh why did you do that?" I asked looking at the door. I couldn't look at him. I felt stupid. He made it back to the counter where he left me in three long strides. "So we can talk. Apparently there's a good bit you haven't told me. A good bit I want to know. And I intend to start with the first question I asked." He spoke softly and lifted my chin so I was actually looking at him. The look in his eyes surprised me. Not sure what to call it; anticipation, curiosity, and attraction? No, that can't be right. He isn't into females like me. He married Amber for heaven sakes! We are polar opposites !

His deep voice pulled me from my thoughts. "What's runnin through that pretty little head of yours darlin?"
"I'm trying to figure this out...... I mean Why would I tell you all that when I'm obviously not your type?" He gave me a confused look when I asked that. "Not my type?" He smirked at me. Uhhh I love that smirk. And it's at me. :) "I think we have our wires crossed. I always thought you wouldn't have anything to do with a roughneck hell raiser like me. That you were to good for me. You always knew what you wanted and you've got it! We're standing in it!" He said as a full blown grin crept across his face and he shook his head. Then he got quiet. "What?" I asked slightly concerned. He held his hand out to help me off the counter. "I just realized I owe you a meal, or twenty, since you've cooked for me more than I ever realized. So where would you like to go? And I hope you like motorcycles cuz I'm on the bike" I couldn't help but smile when he told me. I've been dying to hop on the back of that bike with him. I took his hand and hopped down. "Take me to the diner. I need a chocolate shake and a burger." "As you wish my dear." He told me opening the shop door. As I was looking the door it dawned on me. He referred to me as his! Ok calm down. It might not mean what ya think. Cool your jets Krissa. My self talk worked .... Until I slid on the bike behind him. Then the butterfly's attacked my stomach!

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