chapter 1

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Authors note: sorry I haven't updated school blocks Wattpad and I currently don't have WiFi so here u go ahead of time sorry about spelling.
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Today's the day the day my life changes for ever my power test. Every 16 year old has to take a test to identify their power scale and abilities. If you fail and don't have any powers then you're sent to camps and never heard from again. Why do we have these test you may ask so the country of Rose can remain the strongest there is. My parents are the co presidents and the most powerful people in the country but no one knows what they do. Still no one questions it to scared to face them. I can't help but wonder what would happen if I take my test and fail. Would my parents still want me or would they send me away in disgrace and replace me.
" Daxi" my mom calls from her office. "Coming mother" I reply as I nervously walk down the hall. I go to her but before I do I see a picture in tye hall of her and dad holding me a when I was born, I can't help but to think how much I look like both of them. Mom's black and my dad's noise, but my eyes are different their a rare shade of violate. My mom told me when I was little that that ment I was destined for greatness. I only hope I could live up to it. When I opened the door to her office I noticed all the papers on her desk where in clutters so much so you couldn't even see the top of the desk any more. " Yes ma'am" I said. My mom said " today's the day just remember me and your father are so proud we hope one day you will take our positions." I took a deep breath and said," I'll try but I have to go or I'll be late." So I started the walk to school wishing my dad would have been home to say goodbye.

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