Happy Birthday Baby

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We ended up staying at my fathers that next week just to be on the save side. I didn't want Raven to have a relapse. When we got back home all her friends came over to visit, to make sure she was ok.

Everything seemed to fall back into order as weeks went by and then time seem to fly by. Raven's birthday was coming up and I had a big surprise for her.

Even though I had told her it was just going to be us. I had made plans for her friends and our families to join us for her party. She didn't know anything about it, I had done this all on my own. With a little help from Obi.

I planed it so that they would all come to our house. Yes this would be the first time any of my family besides Ryland has stepped foot into my house. 

I had it planed out that Myles bring her in after taking her to the mall after school the day of her birthday. Telling her that he needed to pick up something, which if he hand't forgot he really did need to pick up something. And if that little bastard forgot about it I'll hang him.  

As planed around one the afternoon of her birthday everyone started showing up. Except her two friends that has went away on a trip, that already threw her a party.

From the time she left that morning up until then I had party planers coming and going decorating the house up for the party. And now as Mr. and Mrs. Collins step out of there car and gaze up at the house I hold my breath.

"Jace" Mrs. Collins smiles

"Mrs. Collins, Mr. Collins" I give them both my best smile

"Son when you said you had money I had no idea" Mr.Collins says

"Corn" Mrs. Collins scowls her husband smiling at me

"Come on in, I'm expecting Raven at two thirty" I tell them leading them though the door

"This is a vary fine house" Mrs. Collins says as we enter

"Thank you"

"Vary fine indeed" My father says coming out of the kitchen

"Mr. Mrs. Collins I'll like you to meet my father Ike Heyward. Dad these are the Collins Raven's mother and father" I introduce them

"Please Croneille and Veronica" Mrs. Collins says with a smile

"Its a pleasure to me you both" dad says

"The pleasures all ours" Mr. Collins says

"Would you like a drink or anything" I offer

"A drink would be lovely" Mrs. Collins says

"Rose get Mrs. and Mr. Collins a glass of wine please"

"Yes sir" Rose answers

"Oh she don't..." Mrs. Collins starts

"It's her job" I tell her

"OH ok"

"Come we'll join the others in the living room" I tell them

I lead them toward the living room.

"His got a maid" I overhear Mrs. Collins telling her husband

"Look at the house he lives in I bet he has more than one maid honey"

I can't help but to smile, we join the others. And not long Rose brings them their wine.

"Did you have this house built" Mrs. Collins asked

"Actually its an older house they where going to tear it down and I bought it and redone it" I told her

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