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"Raven" I hear my name being called

I turn over not wanting to give up that last bet of sleep I hold on to.

"Raven, its time to wake up"

It is a woman calling me, I know this voice but in my sleep I do not understand who it belongs to.

"Raven, its you big day wake up girl"

My eyes flutter open, big day, holey fuck, I'm getting married. I set up on the bed that I had slept on that night. A night without Jace holding me in his arms. It felt weird at first being by myself, I had gotten use to waking in his arms every morning and falling a sleep in them every night.

"Will hello sleepy head" Reese says setting down on my bad

"Hi" I mumbled sleep still clinging to my voice

"You excited" she ask with a smile

"I am scared to death" I admit

Her smile only grows wider

"Come on your mom is waiting for you in the kitchen"

Slowly I stand from the bed, not yet ready to go down and face my mother this morning. I knew she was excited and right now I don't know if I can dell with excitement. I could hardly breathe at this time. At twelve o'clock I will be saying I do to Jace becoming his wife.

"Have you talked to Jace" I ask Reese as we start toward the kitchen

"Yes and he is excited, he told me he didn't know how much longer he could go without seeing you"

I smile as we step into the kitchen together. My mom wears a big smile on her face. She looks so young and beautiful in her white pant suite she wears.

"Raven" she says coming toward me her arms opened wide

I gladly enfold my arms around her in a tight hug. Mom always smelt of cucumbers, and I would breathe her in deep.

"Your father would have been proud of you" she states

A tear comes to my eyes at the mention of my father. I wished that he was here to give me away. But it was my mother that would be doing that. I knew some how my dad was watching over me right now.

"Oh mom" I sighed "If only he was here"

"His here baby and he is happy for you"

She holds me out at arms length

"Lets get you fed and ready" she tells me

"Where is everyone" I ask as I set down at the table

"They are at my house with Jace" Reese tells me

"Oh how did that work out" I have to ask knowing that Caleb and Holden has a issue with Zion

"They are doing it for Jace and you"

Mom put a plate in front of me, eggs, bacon, and toast. My stomach turned.

"I don't think I can eat" I tell her

"Its just your nerves sweetie, you need to at lest try to eat" Mom tells me

I picked at my food, eating little bites, it grew silent as we ate. After I am done I head toward the bathroom to shower. After my shower I set on my bed and looked at my wedding gown. My mother thought I was out of my head when I picked out the red dress with quarter length sleeves and a split clean up to my thigh. It has a deep v neck with a silver diamond shape below it. It is silk and the tarn long going just two or three inches below my feet.

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