Daddy's Girl

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I stood in a crowded room watching as people came and went. My eyes where blurry from the tears that refused to stay put. My hands did not want to stay still they shook and my body trebled.

I could feel people look at me from time to time. Hear the mumbled word. "Poor girl lost her father" what do they know.  Some of them came by and offered their condolences, I simple nod.

It had been an hour since I had called Jace. With just three word and he said he was coming. 

Music played in the back ground, songs that my father listened to. His body laid in the open coffin up in front of the room for everyone to view. He wear his best tux, a white one with a red boutonniere. 

Our song comes on "Butterfly Kiss" by Bob Dylan and I fall to my knees

"Raven" momma yells out


They say that a wolf can tell where his mate is when she is in need and that must have been true for me. Not long after I hung up with Raven I grabbed my keys and jumped into the car. I know I speed down the highway and into the parking lot of the big house where they where housing Corneille Collins funeral.

As I walk though the doors I see the huge crowed of people. But my eyes go to the center of the room and my heart brakes at the  scene before me.

I don't stop I walk right though the crowd toward her, I kneel down when I get there so I am eye level with her.


"I can't" is all she says

I look at Mrs. Collins, than put my arms around Raven. Her smaller arms wrap around my neck as I lift her up off the ground. She buries her face into my neck soaking my shirt with her tears.

"Mrs. Collins" I address her mother

"Take care of her" she tells me

I nod, than start toward the door. I feel their eyes on us as we make our way though the crowd but I could careless.

The cool night air hits us as we step out and I feel Raven shiver in my arms.

"Are you cold" I ask her

She nods, when we get to the car I place her on top the hood than coming out of my jacket I place it over her shoulders.

I watch as she whips the tears away from her dark eyes.

"I'm sorry" she whispers

"Don't be, you just lost your father. I understand"

My hand cups her face whipping a tear away as it falls.

"I've missed you" she tells me

"I've missed you too"

"Where you mad, that I left"

"I was vary pissed that you left. You could have told me Raven. I would have understood."

"I didn't know how" she cried "I didn't know what to say"

She covers her face with her hand, I pull them away and pull her to me.

"I'm so sorry" she says

"Its ok, you have nothing to be sorry for"

She laughs

"Whats funny" I ask

"My dad"  she stops "The day he died, he called me into his room" she looks up at me "He made me promise to come back to you" 

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