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Leos Pov:

I was shocked about Raph. Where he'd got so many bloody scars and black/blue bruises? Blood was flowing down his head, arms, legs...it was horrible! And...I did this to him...just because of me he ran away and get them! I shook my head and took a deep breath. But then he fell asleep, tears came out of my eyes, as also by Mikey and Donnie. "No RAPH...STAY WITH US MAN!" but he passed out. "We have...to get him at the ....lair...fast!" Donnie said. I nodded. I took him on my back to carry him home. He was heavy, and his blood flew over my body as I carried him. I saw that Mikey cried into Donnie's arm as he was holding him close to him. Donnie had also little tears in his eyes. I think he want to stand strong in front of Mikey and me... we climbed down the manhole and ran faster towards the lair. "Bring him to my lab Leo!" shouted Donnie. I nodded in respond and ran to his lab. Meanwhile Mikey went to his room and Donnie went to fetch some medical things. I laid him down on the bed in the lab and looked directly at him, wanted to see him making his eyes open...but that didn't happened. Instead, his breathing went harder, and he cough, he shivered, he was pale and still blood flowed down his skin. It was horrible, I DIDN'T know what to do. But then Donnie came in and pleased me to go outside while he is stitching him up. I went outside, to the dojo and cried while I hardly trained some katas.

Donnie's P.O.V

Leo closed the door behind him, and I went to Raph. He was in a horrible condition! First I cleaned him up, so he can't be infected with bakeries. I sobbed sometimes and had shaky hands. I stopped, breathed in and out and went ahead. I stitched up some of the deep cuts he has, of which I didn't know how he'd get them. Or from who... after 2h I finished. I took some blankets and lay them on Raph so he could warm up. I'm getting tired. I sighed and sat down in the nearby chair. After some minutes someone knocked on the door I felt in shock from my chair because I had fallen half asleep. "FUCK!" I hit my head on the table and landed on a broken jar. I laid on the floor and held my head in pain, the broken pieces stuck in my left arm and caused my body to bleed. Leo came in. "Donnie? How's Raph?!" I stood slowly up and held my hand to the place where my head and my arm hurts. I looked halfway to Leo In a countenance 'seriously' "Yeah...I'm ok..." I said a little arrogant. He looked at me and ran then to Raph who moved and moaned.

Raphs P.O.V

Everything hurts, I heard a little bip bip bip it sounded like a heartbeat machine, I felt warm blankets over me, and I felt comfortable. I smiled a bit, only to grimacing my face in pain again...I breathed slowly and the pain wave was gone... wait... am I home? I slowly opened my eyes, and there sat Leo. I smiled a bit. But...he had those tears in his eyes again. "L...Leo" - "shhh It's alright Donnie 'fixed' you" he smiled a bit...where was Donnie by the way? I turned my head slowly to the left side. There he sat in his chair, holding his head. I saw blood dropping down his arm. "Donnie?" he looked at me and took his hand for a moment away from his head. There was a blue bruise. He smiled a little but went then back seriously "how... Are you Raph?" - "better....thanks...to you....and what...happened to you..?" Leo don't went his look away from me I ignored that, I wanted to know what he'd done to bleed and get such a bruise. He waved his hand "that's nothing, I felt from my chair on the Broken jar on the ground." I nodded slowly at his respond. He then stood up in slow-motion and went to the cabinet and took out some associations. He wrapped them around his bleeding arm and came to me. "Are you warm enough?" I nodded in respond he smiled a bit, and went out of the lab. Then I looked at Leo. "I'm sorry..." I was confused "for what?" - "for what I did to you. Earlier" I had no idea what he was talking about. He then spoke further "I didn't meant to in humiliate you... I wasn't myself back then...I was just freaking out...I'm sorry" he looked down to the ground. I thought about those few words he'd just said and then everything that had happened between us, it went pictures through my head. I got angrier every second, and structure a fist....

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