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Mikey's P.O.V

I was in my room. I laid on my bed and watched to the wall. It was terrible see Raph in such a bad condition. I had some tears in my eyes. I have to see him, it's almost 2 and a half hour since Donnie went with him to his lab. I stood up and walked out of my room and into the Livingroom, where I saw Donnie sat down on the couch. He moaned. What's wrong with him? I walked closer to him. I just saw him from behind, but then he laid his head back, and I saw a big bluish-black bruise on the place where his eyebrow should be. "Donnie! Dude! What happened!?" he shocked and felt down from the couch "AUU! Shit, MIKEY!" he held his arm in pain. His arm was wrapped in some associations. Then he slowly stood up, I helped him. And asked one more time quietly "What happened?" I was worried. He held his head, I think he has a headache. He sat down and I next to him. Then he spoke: "I fell down....from my chair...hit my head...and landed on a broken jar. Nothing...big" he rolled his eyes as he said the last two words and looked away from me. "Dose it hurt much D?" he shook his head "it's okay Mikey..." he smiled a bit "can I pleas lay down for a moment...and sleep? I'm getting dizzy." I jumped up from the couch, was it really that bad?...forget that, he looks really bad. As he laid down I took a blanket and laid it on Donnie. I could see a small smile crossed his lips. But then I suddenly heard something crashing on the ground in Donnie's lab. Then I heard screams. I ran to his lab and looked inside. I saw Leo..and Raph! Raph stood next to the bed, but he had shaky legs. He held himself up, Leo wanted him to lay down on the bed, but he don't wanted to. "WHY IN HELL I HAVE TO LISTEN TO YA!?" - "Raph, please! Lay down, you're not fully recovered..." - "NO! YOU DID THAT TO ME! BECAUSE OF YOU IM IN SUCH A BAD CONDITION! I WANT YA TO SEE HOW BAD I FEEL!!" In the next moment Raph felt to the ground and screamed in pain. It was horror to watch that. Little tears formed in my eyes. And I ran towards Raph and Leo, who wants to help Raph to stand up. "Raph!" I screamed with tears in my eyes. Both of them looked at me in shock. "Mikey....how much you heard?" asked Leo. I respond "Doesn't matter" I kneeled down to Raph "are ya alright bro?" he hesitated but then he shook his head "N..no" he felt unconscious. "RAPH!" I held him up and looked a little angry to Leo. "Go for Donnie, we need him! He needs him!" I looked to Raph. Leo nodded and ran out of the lab. I held Raph close to me, so I could feel his heart beat. I cried quietly.

Donnie's P.O.V

I awoke because of the shouts which kame out of my lab. "Argh!" I held my head in pain and sat up. Slowly I wanted to stand up, but then I heard Mikey scream: "DONNIE!!! RAPH NEEDS HELP!!!" I jumped up from the couch and ran towards my lab, ignoring my hurting arm and head and opened the door. "What's going...." I gasped when I saw Raph shaking in pain on the ground. Mikey holding him and Leo besides Mikey kneeling on the ground. I fast went to them and told them to lay Raph slowly on the bed again. They did what I told them. I pressed some buttons on the machine and took some medicaments from the table. I was pale, like Raph too. I looked at him "Raph?" He opened his eyes and looked to me "Don..nie" Leo stood behind me and looked too to Raph. He gave him a angrily look. Fast I gave him the medicaments I took from the table. "This should help you with your ...pain" I started to breathe heavily and was beginning to feel dizzy. Mikey and Raph looked worried at me and said in union "are you ok bro?" at this time Leo only looked worried at Raph and didn't recognized that I felt in his direction. He went a step aside and let me hit my head again at the table, this time even harder. And then I hit the ground with my whole body and went unconscious. The last thing I heard was my name screamed from Mikey and Raph.

Hy there, Tori here^^ sry that I didn't updated for so long, I hadn't much time to write on the story. School stuff and some personal problems anyways I will try to update more regulary^^

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