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Raph's P.O.V:

I woke up early this morning. I felt sore and looked around. I saw April cuddling up to Donnie and they both were asleep. But something about Donnie was odd. His green skins kinda got a yellowish or red tint in it. He also seems to be in pain as the look on his face. I wanted to get up, but I couldn't. I was too weak. Man I hate it to be weak! Why did I had to run away?! Okay...yes Leo..this bastard but...what exactly happened after I left the lair?...I..I..can't remember... I suddenly heard a groan from Donnie and looked at him. April woke up to and stood up. "Donnie??" She questioned. He keeps moaning in pain. He became more muskular by the second. But then something unbelievable happened. He..became HUMAN! I gasped as I saw how dark brown hair grow out of his head and his whole Body changed his colour. Also He became ears. This was...brainkilling! Then, He stopped moaning. April and I were speachless. Then he opened his eyes.

Donnie's P.O.V:

I groaed and opened my eyes. I saw April and Raph stare at me. What is wrong?? I thought. "What is...it?.." I asked. They just stared at me. "WHAT'S ...WRONG?!" I asked again. Then April went to get something and came back with a mirror and gave it to me. I took it and nearly fainted. "I...I'm human?! How???!" I was confused. But then, as I saw the torn of bandages on my arm. It has something to do with the broken jar! I have to analyse it! I slowly Sat up, it was weirdly easy. My head didn't even bleed anymore and my arm and bruise is healed. I yawned. This body feels kinda weird...I stood up and April turned around and held her eyes shut. She was red like a tomato. I was confused. Then Raph whispered. "You are naked.." he pointed to my private part and I fast took the blanket and wrapped it around me. "It's good now...April.." she turned back around.

April's P.O.V:

OMGHEISHUMANANDALSOSOHOT!HOWDIDTHISHAPPEN?! (Omg, he is human and also so hot! How did this happen?!) I swallowed and looked at him. "How??" I asked. "I think...it is because of the substance that was in the broken jar I fell onto..." He scratches his neck nervously. I nodded. "Will this be permanent?..or just temporary?" - "I don't know..." He said. I nodded again. "Should I get you cloves?...you'll need some if you...look like that.." I can't think straight. He's so hot! I can see his six pack now! But I kinda miss the old Donnie...bit I'll go with this one anyway! "That would be very kind of you" he smiled gently and I smiled back. "O..okay!..I'll be back soon!.." I ran out of the lair and onto the surface.

Leo's P.O.V:

I'm really grumpy this morning I don't know Why...Bit since yesterday I felt kind of odd...I just didn't care anymore...as I stood up, my shoulder begann to hurt a bit. Like a pinch. But I shrug it of and went to the kitchen where Mikey was in. I sat down at the table and drank the tea that he'd made for me. I think that he was kind of sad that I didn't thanked him or greeted him...but ...whatever.. I drunk my tea and went to the lab to see how's Raph doing. When I went inside I saw a human boy. I was angry. "WHO ARE YOU?!" Raph and the boy jumped in surprise. "This is Donnie Leo..." I didn't believe him. I stepped closer to the boy. "But I really am Leo!" He said with Donnie's voice. "Tell this bullshit someone else dumbass" I shove him to the ground. Raph shouted at me. But I don't caaaaarrreeee! "GO AWAY FROM HERE! OR I'LL KILL YA!" I threatened him. He whimpered and told me over and over again that he IS Donnie. Then Mikey stormed in and took me away from the imposter. "Leo this is Donnie! I stood in the door frame the whole time! And observed him! This is Donnie!" The boy nodded. I sighed. "Okay...I may believe you.." I walked out again and went meditating. What they were up to. Wasn't my business.


Hey guys!!!!! Sorry if it took so long! Writers blockade....I'm really sorry. I hope you like the story so far..
Tori's out bye! ;-)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2017 ⏰

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