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Raphs P.O.V:

"DONNIE!!" I screamed I wanted to stand up and help Donnie up but Leo held me back. "Lay down you're not allowed to stand up yet." I gave him a death glare when I recognized that he doesn't care about Don. "HELP DONNIE YOU ASSHOLE!" he shook his head "No, you're more important right now" I couldn't believe what he just said! I pushed him aside and then he finally gave in. "Okay-", he kneeled down to Donnie and the with tears filled eyes Mikey. "DONATELLO, WAKE UP!" I rolled my eyes "this ain't wort Leo! He isn't in a good condition as well as I am! I mean look at his arm and head..." I first just saw the big blue bruise on his face, but now I'm seeing that he's bleeding from his back of his head. "MIKEY! BRING some TOWELS AND HELD THEM ON HIS HEAD, HES BLEEDING!" Mikey nodded and went to get some towels. Then I looked to Leo who's finally doing something good to our brother. He held his head in his lap and comforted him. Then Mikey came in and gave the towels to Leo, he put them under Donnie's head to stop the bleeding. "Why didn't cha catch him?" I asked Leo after a long quiet pause. "I didn't saw him fall" was all he responded. "Ya even stepped aside to let him hit the ground!" I said a little louder. He shook his head. "That was just a coincidence." I couldn't believe it, why was he so...so careless?! "You son of a bitch!" I said angrier. "Wouldn't that be your bitch mother too?" he said annoyed. I gasped "what's the matter with you!? Why are ya so careless!?" he looked at me and stood up, letting Donnie hit the ground again. Mikey cried out his name and held him tight. Then Leo spoke: "I AM CARELESS!? DON'T YA SEE HOW MUCH I CARE ABOUT YOU!?" I sat up and glared at him. "YEAH! I SEE THAT, BUT LOOK AT WHAT CHA DO TA DON!" I looked at Donnie and felt bad for him, I wanted to help him. "He's fine" Leo said. I gasped one more time and couldn't believe what I just heard. "DO HE LOOKS FINE TO YA?! YOU BASTARD! GET OUT OF HERE!" he shrugged "whatever, I'll come later to check on ya when ya calmed down." He went out of the lab and I looked after him. What the fuck!? Then I heard sobbing come from the ground I looked to Mikey who was silently crying into Donnies plastron. I sighed "Mikey...I'm sorry" he just shook his head. "I...It's ok..." he held Donnie tight, holding the cloths close to the back of his head. "Can ya lay him down on the bed next to me?" I asked Mikey, he nodded and slowly stood up and held Donnie bridal stile in his arms and walked towards the bed. He laid him down and felt his head and gasped. I asked him what it is, he told me he was heating up. "Get his temperature and a cold cloth." I told him, he nodded and got these things. Indeed Donnie had a fever, a huge one to be precise. Mikey sat the whole day next to Donnie to cool him down, which he didn't. Mikey was upset, like I too. I just didn't show it that obviously. In the late afternoon I heard someone enter the lair. "Hey Guys! You here?" It was April. "We're in the lab!" I shouted. Not long after Aprils head appeared in the door "hey-"she stopped and walked fast towards us, she even dropped her bag. "What happened?!" she asked worried. I explained to her.

Time skip

"Wow...I'm so sorry...can I...somehow help you?" April said after I told her everything, even that with Leo. I shook my head, but then I heard a snore coming from Dons bed. Mikey has fallen asleep. "Okay...maybe, yes. Could you put Mikey to bed and watch a little over Donnie?" she nodded and put Mikey to bed in his room and came back. Just to see me asleep.

Aprils P.O.V

I smiled a little as I saw Raph asleep. I was still shocked at what had happened to them. And Leo...I can't believe he's such a jerk! I took a chair and sat it in between Raphs and Dons beds. I laid a hand on Dons head, he was even hotter than before! Also the back of his head was still open. I was really worried. You have to know...I have a crush on him, but no one knows that. I got a new cold cloth and some associations. I wrapped his head up and laid the cloth on his forehead. After a little he moved his head and moaned in pain. He then opened his eyes slowly and looked up at me. "A...April?" he said. I nodded. "Don't speak Donnie, just rest. You have a bad fever and lost lots of blood..." He nodded slowly, but I felt he didn't wanted to. I sighed and stroke his cheek a little. He blushed deep red. I chuckled a little, he even got redder. I yawned and looked at the clock. It was nearly midnight. I didn't want to go home...nor could I go. I have to watch over Donnie and Raph. Tomorrow is Saturday...so I'll sleep here. I yawned again and got up. Donnie watched me go onto his bed and under the blanket, now sharing it with him. I cuddle up to him, and became red. What am I doing?! "April?" he asked. "Yeah?"-"Why...are you cuddling?" he said, I shrugged. "I'm sleepy. Try to sleep... or should I get up?" I looked up at him. He shook his head immediately. I smiled a little and gave him a small kiss on his cheek. "Good night Donnie." I hide my face in his plastron and got as rad as Raphs mask. But soon I fell asleep.


I'm so sorry that I didn't updated this story sooner, I didn't had the motivation to write this story further... but now I have it again^^ It's kinda late here, it is now 3AM and I will now go to bed. night guys,

Tori's out! ;)

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