Hey,Morty guess what...

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Rick slowly opened his eyes and looked at his mad looking grandson,Morty.

He blinked a couple of times,while his eyesight reacted to daylight.


Rick burped loudly and looked at him,completely exhausted from last night's party.

The party was so awesome,even Morty got laid.

With an alien chick,of course.

Morty pushed Rick again,even stronger than before.


"SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UUUUUUPPP!!!!!!!",Rick yelled and threw his empty bottle of booze next to Morty,almost hitting his face in the way.

Morty stared at Rick,who was drinking water and rubbing his forehead with his fingers to make the headache go away.

He just stared at him speechless until Rick pulled out a small machine with tiny buttons he had and froze time.

Morty just looked around him confused.

"What d-did you do?",he asked Rick.

Rick fell on the couch next to a couple people who had fell all around the room and burped again,but also sighed deeply this time.

"I-i fro*burp*rozed t-time,Moo*burp*rty."

Morty just stared at him.

"You WHAT?",he said and run outside,only to face his parents and Summer frozen in the middle of the driveway.

He shuttered and looked around the near houses.

Everyone was frozen.

In the meantime, Rick passed out on the floor and his phone randomly started playing a song he and his old band members, 'The flesh Curtains' ,performed last night.

His all time favourite-

Get Schwifty.

'Ohhh yeah!You gotta get schwifty!'

"you gotta *burp* get schhhwifty in heeere....",he whispered and Morty threw water on his face,making him wake up quickly.

His hair were even more messed up than before and he rubbed his head,staring at Morty.


Morty looked down.

"I...I wanted t-to thank you for frozing the rest of my family and perhaps helping me...clean?",he said and went red from embarrassment.

Rick just looked at him and then he looked away.

"Yeah,sure whatever."

Morty smiled and left to get trash bags.

Rick went to the bathroom and fixed his hair,after he found a velociraptor in the bathtub.

"Damn.The party must've been awesome.",he murmured to himself and started wipping off the vomit from his clothes.

Time pass

Morty got to the garage and started collecting garbage people left,same as about a hundred condoms all around the place.

"At least I got laid...",he said and thought of Jessica's(alien shapesifter) moans from last night.

While he was smiling,he tripped on something and fell down.


He stopped yelling and picked up Rick's teleporting device.

He analysed it and pressed a button randomly.

A portal opened in front of him and he looked inside of it.

He saw a large wooden house and a lot of people around it,also a man who was followed by many other people and a boy and a girl walking around the place,away from the man but with another one,similar to him.

He wanted to keep watching but then he heard Rick coming closer.

Rick hit his head on a couple of walls but then made it to the garage.

Morty quickly close the portal and left the gun on the table,picking up a condom and held it before putting it into the bag.

Rick looked at him and cracked out laughing,although he seemed disgusted.

"M-morty you,you just p-picked u*burp*p a uuused condom",he said and laughed.

Morty just looked at the condom and threw it in his bag,also disgusted.

Rick walked near him and picked up a red plastic cup with whisky in it,which he drunk.

He then looked at Morty, who was staring at where the mysterious portal used to be.

Morty sighed and collected a paper from the floor.

Rick walked near him.

"What's up Mor*burp*ty?"

Morty looked at his drunked grandpa's confused expression and answered.

"Don't get mad okay?",he said and Rick smiled weakly at him.

"We'll see about it.",he said and Morty sighed.

"Alright.Uhhh..I found your portal gun and opened a portal to a weird world with two old men that look like each other and two kids looking like each other too.",he said and Rick just looked at him.

"Oh damn.Looks like you met them earlier than expected.",he said and grabbed his gun.

"W-wait w-what do you mean?",Morty asked and Rick opened the exact same portal.

"Guess what Morty?",he said.

"W-what Rick?",he asked terrified and saw the green portal open wider.

"We're going on a road trip.",Rick said and put his glasses on.

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