Endless Dimensions

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"Where...are we?",Dipper asked and looked around.

The place we were in was dark and cloudy,with really tall trees and the Moon was out,but,surprising, less than 40% of it.

"I..I don't know..",Bill said and I gulped, as I heard a small laugh.

"What was that?!?",I asked loudly and a figure moved around quickly,a big figure,propably yellow.

"WHO ARE YOU?SHOW YOURSELF!",Dipper demanded and spoke like Ford and the creature stopped running around.

We all looked at it and there stood a gigantic squid-man with lots of yellow tentacles and he was dressed in some short of teacher uniform.

"Nufufufu!Welcome!!!!",he said in a pitchy noise and I shook my head.

"Uhh,where exactly?"

"Welcome to the Anime Zone!!",he said and us three went 'UGHHHHH'.

The creature jumped back and his face got all teary.

"Huh??Why??It's really fun here,please stay!!",he said,bever actuqlly moving his lips,and we sighed.

"Only Soos'd like to stay here,y'know..",Dipper said and I nodded.

"We just want to know if my dorky lovely owl is here~",Bill said dreamingly and the creature titled its head to the side.

"Owl?Haven't seen one in a while.",he said and Bill jumped up.

"YOU'D RECOGNIZE HIM IMMEDIATELY!! Brown,fluffy hair,that cold sexy look and that chinnn,oooooh~!",he said and started making sex jams,while both me and Dipper blushed red and made fake pucking noises.

"Oh shut up,you two were sounding worse last night!",he scolded us and we pushed him in the back.

"Oh!I've seen a person like that!No,actually two of them!!",he said and I looked over at Dipper.


"Both our Grunkles?",I asked and the creature touched it's chin(not sure if chin,his face was all-roundy) and thought.

"And a blue haired thin guy!",he said and we gasped.

"That's them!Where did they go???",Dipper asked and the creature pointed to a green portal a few meters away.

"Huh.How didn't we notice that.",Bill said and we ran away from the creature.

"Bye!!!!!And thank you!!!",I yelled and he started tearing up again.

"No problem!!I like your sweater by the way!!!",he said and we ran into the portal.

"Ew,no.",I said to myself and we landed in another universe,a club this time.

"Is this a...pub?",I asked and Bill's nose expanded as he smelt something.

"M A R G A R I T A S",he shrieked and ran to the bar while me and Dipper walked around.

I heard a voice like cough and turned around,seeing Stan.

"So what I'm trying to say is,you gotta,gotta,gooootta first take their money and THEN give them the tour,you, you know...",Stan said and both Ford and Rick said 'oooooh' and 'now I get it' as well as 'it makes sense now,yeah'.

All three's eyes were blue, they were holding drinks and Rick was holding his flask,all three of them drunk at an Alien bar.

Boy,it couldn't be worse than that.

"Y-your drinks are here.",three voices said and I turned around and saw hell with my own two childish preteen eyes.

Morty,Wendy and Dipper,the boys in maid-waitresses short dresses,yellow for Morty and blue for Dipper,and Wendy was wearing a pair of short shorts and a small T-shirt.

The image was horrifying itself.
Morty was holding the orders,his free hand on his hip,while Dipper was pushing his dress down to cover his privates with a big blush on his face and Wendy just stood there with her arms crossed.

I and Dipper stared at the scene and internally threw up.

Well, Dipper threw up physically.

"WHAT THE HELL!!!!!",he shouted and the entire Alien club turned around to see him but quickly turned around again.

"DIPPER!MABEL!",Stan yelled and Ford spat his drink,running up to cover his waitress.

"This ISN'T what it looks like,I swear to my journals.",he said and Dipper shrugged.

"It's cool,don't worry,I won't kinkshame.",he said.

"BUT I WILL!!",Bill said,holding a Margarita in his one hand and his other hand on his hip madly,his eyebrows furrowed and he stared at Ford.

"You got some explaining to do.",Bill said and drag him away.

"But baby I swear!!!",Ford said before getting dragged away by his lover.

"BOOOO!!!Let the man have fun you skinny pathetic bitch!",Rick said,his feet were resting on the now empty chair and Stan started to giggle, while the twins stared at Rick with gasping mouths and then back at Bill,who arched his back and stopped walking.

"What did you just say.",he whispered and Rick drank from his flask.

"I said,LET THE MAN CELEBRATE,YOU SKINNY ASS SMALL DICK YELLOW HAIRED DISGUSTING LOOKING PATHETIC WEIRD SHITTY B I T C H!!",Rick repeated himself and Bill let go of Ford's jacket and jumped up,immediately jumping back to go kick Rick's ass.

"I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!",Bill shouted and Rick clenched his fists,as he grinned,moved up his coat's sleeves and spat,then burped.

"Bring it on,bi*burp*iitch!!",he said grinning and pulled out his gun,ready to fight the dream demon.

"OH GOD!",the twins said as Stan watched the two fight and shouted.

"RICK!RICK!RICK!LEFT HOOK!RIGHT HOOK!KICK HIS ASS MAN!!!!YOOOO RICK!",Stan cheered and the twins watched in awe,like Ford,who was literally in the middle of the grand battle.



Meanwhile,the waitress Morty watched from the distance,until a random RnM fan jumped in the scene with a red cape and shoot him with a Morty Manipulator Chip Gun.

"YOOHOO!CAUGHT MA SELF A WAITRESS MORTY NIGGERSS!!!",he shouted happily and the Morty groaned.

"Oh jeez.It's gonna be 30 bucks per hour."

"I can live with that.Now let's get going!!!",he said,and that was the story of the poor man who jumped in and grabbed a Morty for his arrogant ass.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2016 ⏰

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