Welcome back Rick!

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"Aw ,jeez..",Morty said and followed his grandpa into the portal.

Rick stepped in first and landed in the middle of the woods near the house.

"Okay Morty,let's go.But remember.",he said and looked in Morty's eyes.

"DON'T.TRUST.FUCKING.ANYONE.",he said and walked in front of Morty.

Morty just shrugged and walked behind him.

After a while they reached the group of people,obviously on a tour,while they were watching the man talk about a rock that looks like a face.

They just joined the crowd and watched him too.

Rick opened his small booze bottle and drunk a little,while Morty just watched the man talk.

"...AND THIS IS WHY IT'S CALLED A ROCK THAT LOOKS LIKE A FACE!Any questions?",he said and Rick raised his hand.

"Yeah,what if the rock was actually brought from another dimension?",he said and smirked deviously.

"Perhaps,dimension 52?",he added and Stan looked at him nervously.

"WHO ARE YOU?SHOW yourself!",he demanded,trying to cover the secret of his brother and Morty looked at Rick.

"Okay,bitch.",Rick said and walked past speechless people,parents that covered their kids' ears and eyes.

Stan stared at him surprised but happier than ever.

"RICK!YOU CRAZY SHIT!",he said and opened his arms for a hug.

"STAN!YOU LAZY BASTARD!",he said and hugged him.

Everyone left slowly and Morty just stared at them.

"W-who is that?",he said and pointed at Stan.

"This crazy old ba*burp*stard is my old friend,Sta*burp*aan."

Stan smiled at him and hit his back,'bro' like.

"I see you haven't stopped the burp talking,Rick!!"

Rick just stared at him.

"Oh.It got waaaayyy worse.",he said and took a sip from his bottle.

"What do you mean?",he asked and Morty sighed annoyed.

"He now says weird stuff too!Like that Wubba-lubba dug-burf thing he says whenever he gets high,drunk or WHENEVER HE FELLS LIKE IT!!!",he said and breathed hard for a couple seconds.

"It's called WUBBA.LUBBA.DUB.DUB,Morty and you've NO idea what it MEANS."

Morty shrugged.

"Who cares...",he thought.

Dipper,Mabel and Ford walked near them.

Rick looked at Ford.

"Whoah,where the hell did that shitty clone come from,am I right?",he said and laughed with his joke and Mabel laughed with him.

"HAHAHAHA!!!That was a good one!",she said and smiled widely at him.

"WUBBA LUBBA DUB DUB,AM I RIGHT?!?",he said and laughed louder than before.

Mabel joined him and laughed the same way.

"I like weird sayings.",she said and kept smiling.

Rick stared at Dipper,who was taking notes for him.

"H-hey wha-wha-what is hhhe doing?",he asked and pointed to his journal.

"I-I-I-iiii think,he's writing something l-like a journal or a diary o-o-o-or  something."

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