Bill the helpful Cipher

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AN:Look at me!!!I'm actually UPDATING
Yeah I rewatched Rick and Morty and HOO-WEE guess who got inspirational!!


"BILL!!!!BILL!WHERE ARE YOU AND YOUR STUPID UGLY FACE???",Mabel yelled,passing by asleep bodies,drunken people talking to  objects and finally Bill Cipher lying on the floor with an underwear on and he was having a conversation with a bottle of beer and a Dipper clone.

" you see...the..thing about being a..a that you always,always have follow orders,you, you know..!!And always kinda suuuuucks……!!",he said in tears and the Dipper clone patted him.

"Thanks Guido.",Bill said.

"Who's Guido?",I asked and he looked up at me.

"Wha..oh,just my new best friend!",he said and show me the now broken bottle of booze.

I looked down and sighed.

"BILL!!!!!",I yelled at him and he somehow woke up internally.

"Wha??OH!SHOOTING STAR!Solo,how'd the party go?",he asked and I stared at him.

"I SLEPT WITH ROBBIE!",I shouted and half the room woke up.

"Oh,shieeet..",a Rick said and the real
Dipper walked in with a bra on his head.

"What do you mean?",he said,rubbing his eyes.


"Robs? Yeah,he said he was going to get laid last night but I haven't seen that chick all day and...why are you wearing his hoodie?",he asked,starting to realise the situation.

"OH MY GOD!MABEL!!!",he shouted,blushing red.

"I KNOW,I KNOW!GAH!!",I said and held my head.
"THIS,THIS IS BAD!!!!",he said and looked around.

"Okay,we need to find Grunkle Ford.",he said and liked up to see Bill.

"Woah!Bill.When did you come here?",he hissed and Bill smiled.

"Oh!Pine Tree!Haven't seen you in a while?So what's up with the bra hat?",he said and Dipper grabbed it and blushed.

"Ah,",he started making up excuses and I turned around.

"You WHAT?",I yelled and he played with his fingers.

"Well, I,I kind laid with Wendy...and Morty.",he said blushing deeply and my jaw dropped.


"So you're bi,pine tree?",Bill said and gave him a small paper with his number on.

"Call me to have fun~",he whispered and Dipper kept it in his pocket.

"So we have to go find Grunkle Ford!!",he said and lead us through the house.

"Ow,who's going to clean?",I asked and Bill whistled.

"Not me~",he said and suddenly,a man's yell made then turn around.

"WHAT THE HELL!",he yelled and ran outside the bathroom.

He was a blackhaired short thin man with a jacket that had a pair of wings on it and he was screeching,holding a broom.

"...Let's leave him do it",Bill said and we all ran away.

Suddenly,I heard a noise.

"Hey...what's that...",I said and opened the closer door widely,revealing a big green portal.

"Maybe Ford's in here?",Dipper said and we three walked in.

"Woah,'s crazy...",Bill said and we all stood in front of the wide gateway to another dimension.

"Let's do this.",I said,standing in the center, as I expanded both my hands for Dipper and Bill to hold onto them.

"Um..Mabes..",Dipper said and dudbt offer me his hand,neither did Bill who was picking his nose.

"GAH!JUST TAKE MY FREAKING HANDS ALREADY YOU WEIRD FREAKS!",I shouted and they both jumped up, then grabbed my hands.

"Okay jeez..!",Dipper said and Bill just grabbed it.
"Better this way."I said in satisfaction and we stepped in the portal.

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