A Cipher Party

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"....and that's everything that happened today,Bill.",Mabel ended her story about this day and Bill stood there thinking.

Bill had appeared as a human,trying to make Mabel feel better.

He hugged her and patted her shoulder,then caressed her hair.

"I know how it feels shooting star."

She nodded and they cried together,hugging it out.

Suddenly,a loud whistle was heard.

"What the-",Bill started saying but was cut off by a familiar saying.

"WUBBA LUBBA DUB DUB!!!!!LET'S GET RICKITY WRECKEEEED!!!!",yelled Rick and Bill stood up.

"Who was that?",he said and pointed to the unfamiliar shadow from inside the house.

"It's the Rick guy I was talking to you about.He propably picked up the seeds Morty brought him.",she said and pointed to the tree.

"Oh.Well,I gotta join them",he said but Mabel grabbed onto his leg,holding him tightly.

"What the-Shooting Star!But,what's wrong?Don't you want me to go see if your brother feels better?',he asked and she nodded negatively.

"I can't let you go in there.Ford will understand who you are and destroy you or something.Besides,I can't go in there,Dipper is still mad at me.",she said still not letting go off his leg and he stood there.

"Alright,you know what?We're gonna dress up to go in there.So,what do these guys look like?",he said and a hologram appeared from his broken eye,showing a search base.

"Ehhh their names' are Rick and Morty, a scientist and a teenager that Rick says does something called 'mastrubating' really often.",she said,thinking about it,until Bill typed on the hologram.

"Oh!!!Ok, so you're going to look like...Summer Smith..and I will look like...Rick!The wiki says he has many selves,so another self that looks like a golden haired teenager is just an addition to the collection,not a big deal.",he said and snapped his fingers,dressing himself in an evil Rick costume and Mabel in a Summer costume.

"Alright!",she said and looked at her shirt and jeans.

Bill looked in a mirror to fix his scientific robe but noticed his hair and eye.

He put on an eye patch with an eye on it and grabbed two wires with electricity and touched them together,making his golden locks explode and resemble to Rick's haircut better than before.

He also saw that Rick had a uni-eyebrow but desired to leave that behind,because there was no way he would sacrifice his beautifully perfect eyebrows just for a few hours of having fun in a party.

Suddenly,a loud music was heard.


Bill started dancing to it,same did Mabel and they walked there dancing.

They stopped and stared at everyone through the window.

Morty was talking to Wendy and Robbie was in the back,talking to...

"Dipper?",Mabel said and covered her gasp.

Bill opened his mouth and gasped outwordly for her.

Rick was laughing with Stan,and Ford was in the back,stuffing his face with candy.

Many other people were running all around the place,dancing and yelling.

Bill stood up.

"Time to go.",he said and grabbed Mabel's arm.

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