17: Its not his decision

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after Andy got back i told everyone to head down stairs & i put on my PJ's then climbed onto the roof from my bed room window i then got a txt from Kai

Kai: Hey Kali how are you?

K: Not so great

Kai: Why?

K: Andy said we cant be together, cause you left me & "already hurt me" :'(

Kai: O-oh so are we gonna listen?

K: Hell no its not his decision! :P

"I see" i heard Kai say i looked off the roof to see his beautiful black hair with blue streaks & his emrald eyes as his lip peircing reflected the light from the moon


"Here" i dangeled my hand off the roof & grabbed it so he could use the wall to get up here

"Kali" he whispered as he kissed me

this went on for what felt like eternity but not in a bad way!.

"So how's the band?"

"Broken up"

"O-oh" he looked at me qeustioningly

"I left the band cause you did, & i told the girls we're done with it"


"Hey Kali how are y-" Jinxx asked looking on the roof from the window but when he saw Kai he stopped talking,

"I'll tell Andy you're in bed going to sleep"

"Thank you!" we both said he just winked at us & left

we talked for about an hour & then he said he should probably leave he kissed me goodnight & told me sweet dreams & i told him same & i was off to bed

my brother is andy friggin biersack~(BVB)Where stories live. Discover now