chapter 8: memories unwanted

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Me & my band decided to go to hottopic in the mall cause thats the only place we like there it should be fun!


*at the mall*


'OOOOOH looky here it's emo bitch at the emo store"

i heard a stupid voice say & i scowled at it it could only be Angel, i shot a glare at her & of course she had to come over, "Hey Kali im glad you got ADOPTED you look muuch happier" i felt a tear in my eye but blinked it away "Um what?" Jade asked

i just ignored her "Soo how was life BEFORE the orphanage?" she asked with a smirk "YOU D-amn well know" i said dropping my voice from a yell to whisper

"OH do i? i must've forgot, would you inlighten me?" she asked her smirk turning into a grin "Oh whatever happened to "i have no secrets" or "im not afraid of my past" OR "ive overcome so much im proud to tell people my past" then again only your brother knows"

"Shut the fuck up" i said my voce barely above a whisper "Whatt?, you mean about you & your family & how you used to cuu-"

"Say it i dare you" i said about to punch her

"Oh you mean how you cut & you were abused time & time again & you would run away, how your dad raped you" everyone gasped at the rape part, i looked into Kai's eyes to see sympathy & tears, now he will never love me,

i ran out of the mall as fast as i could & i could run fast a mile in 6 minutes, by the time i got home i saw andy on the couch i grabbed his hand & took him upstairs crying, "Kali what happened!?" i just cryed & then told him everything he told me it would be okay & rubbed my back he & Kai were the only two who could comfort me i heard the door open & i quickly got up "Andy im getting in the shower" "um ok" he said i shooed him of & he told me he was downstairs if i needed him,

i heard him greet the rest of difiance & decay as i started crying again i grabbed my PJs that i would change into when i got out, & a razor blade. i quickly got to the bathroom linked to my room & took a shower once i got out & got dressed i pulled my long sleeve sweater up & started to cut it had been 7 years i forgot how it felt, all the memories of my dad & everything else came flooding back, & i just wanted to end it

i heard the rest of BVB walk in down stairs & went back to cutting one wrist was done 7 rows for 7 years of not cutting by the time the other was done i was dizzy of blood loss & everything went black.

*Andys POV*

"Hey andy has'nt she been in there with the water off for way to long?" Kai asked "Shit" i said looking at the guys i could tell Kai really loved Kali i could see it in his eyes, i ran upstairs quickly, the bathroom door was locked, everyone came running up after me

"The doors locked" i said frusturated trying to ram the door with my shoulder, "What?" Kai said he was the only one other than me & my band who knew she cut before but thats cause she felt she could trust him, Kai ran to the door & took a bobby pin out of his pocket his jiggeled it in the door knob until the door opened everyone looked panicked "SHIT!! SOMEONE CALL AN AMBULENCE!!" i screamed crying & holding her in my arms Kai was on the phone with 911 i started singing her favorite song the one i'd sing to her when she felt like cutting, but i told her to channel it, knives & pens was always our song. once Kai was off the phone him & i crowded around her

both crying & hoping she would wake up.

my brother is andy friggin biersack~(BVB)Where stories live. Discover now