Chapter 4

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Hey Guys! Heres chapter 4!!! Hope u enjoy and keep reading, voting, commenting, following, and telling people about it! Thank you and love u guys so much!!!


'Why is he here?' I kept saying to myself in shock... What did he want from me... He never comes to the smoothie shop.... I should know because whenever i wanted to go he would slap me hard and make me stay with him.

Caroline went to the bathroom just now and Justin started walking closer and closer to me.... What was i suppose to do, i am slower than him and he would easily catch up, so running was not the answer.

At that moment he was only inches away from me, i couldnt do anything, nothing at all... I felt everything in my body just freeze when he touched my arm.... But something peculiar appeared.... It was a group of guys that seemed to look like One Direction.... My heart started racing now because i might of just seen One Direction, but i didnt quite know because i didnt get to see them that well, but i did see one of them with curly hair staring at me with i think a..... worried expression..... Before i couldnt make out of who it was, i was pulled out of the shop and thrown against a wall..... Hard.... And than slapped in the face.... My face started stinging worse than like 20 wasp stings in one spot, it seriously stung in pain.

"Ashley i told u never to leave me, i said if u did than things will happen and u will be mine again, u were so easily to do the things i wanted u to do, i told u i would find u and u will get paybacks and regret ever leaving me, and this, right here is just the beginning"

Justin harshly whispers while spitting at me.... Why me. God why me!

Where was Caroline when i needed her....

Justin punched me in the stomach and before i fell to the ground i saw a noticeable curly hair boy.... I dont think i ever met him in my life but he looks so recognizable it was crazy.....

"Stop! Stop hurting her"

The boy running towards me in full speed yelled, his british accent filling my ears as i start to slowly close my eyes, i feel another punch in the stomach and thats when everything went black. But i think it was the one and only Harry Styles,

Oh Ashley shut up, why would a guy like Harry fucking Styles help an ugly, useless girl like you?


Harry's POV

I was with the boys of course and we all decided to go get a smoothie, and of course i said absolutely yes! Because i love smoothies, especially Strawberry Banana!

I saw these two beautiful girls walk in, but one of them seemed to be a bit more beautiful, the way her long, dark brown, natural wavy hair fell flawlessly to her mid back.... And her flawless, acne free, perfectly natural tanned skin and her long, dark eye lashes that showed her gorgeous crystal, blue, oceany eyes... Her lips were the most perfect shape and the color of them was perfect.. They were a reddish, pinkish color that looked so soft and shiny!

I saw her friend leave and go to the bathroom than a man, a very strong man come up and grab her by the arm... I heard her wince, i wanted to do something but our security guard, Paul wouldnt let me,... Once he pulled her out of the smoothie shop i knew i had to do something.... I knew he was going to hurt u.... Maybe if i just ran out without the boys i wouldnt draw as much attention by our fans....

I quickly got up when Paul was in quite a weird conversation with Niall, they were talking about how fish breath in water, yeah i know.. Weird

I took the chance i had and ran out the door and towards the dark, abandoned alley way he was taking u... When i was running i saw u getting punched in the stomach hard... It was horrible to watch but i had to help u... I just had to!

"Stop! Stop hurting her!" I yelled as she got punched in the stomach again and fell to the ground unconsciously, the guys quickly turned to face me, his face red as a tomato, he looked furious.... I was so scared.... What have u gotten myself into?!


Hey guys so this is the end of chapter 4! I hoped u enjoyed and i know there is a little cliff hanger, but here is Harry! Yayy!!! Anyway keep doin what u guys do!

Oh and by the way...... I love u all soooo much!!!

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