Chapter 5

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Hey everyone! Sorry it has taken seriously SO long. Haha. I have been busy.... Any way. Here is Chapter 5! :)


Caroline's POV

When i came out of the bathroom, there was no Ashley to be seen. What the hell happened to her.

I take my phone out and try calling her

I keep waiting and waiting for her to answer because she ALWAYS had her phone on her! ALWAYS! But this time she did not pick up and i started to worry..... A lot!

I start to think to myself.... What would have happened to her? Where is she? Is she hurt or worse. Dead!?

Someone soon shook me out of my thoughts and i heard a thick Irish accent in my ear and i quickly snapped out of my thoughts and turned around and i was met with the most crystal blue eyes right infront of me..... Wait. Isnt't this Niall Horan?! Why would he be talking to me?!

Niall's POV

"Hello. Ummm Miss are you okay? You seen a little... Shocked and scared."

I whispered to her while looking in her big, beautiful brown eyes. She was beautiful.... So so so beautiful.

"Oh. Ummm... Yea im fine. Just thinking" She said while smiling, man her smile was incredible. But something seemed wrong, she seemed worried and before i could say anything else i see a guy run inside very quickly and out of breath, he was holding a girl in his arms and she seemed to be... Passed out... He set her down carefully and quickly shut and locked the door before another very large man tried to come in. What the hell is going on?!


Harry's POV

I was standing face to face to the guy who just beat up this beautiful innocent girl!

I quickly kicked his chin hard and when he was bending over i took the chance and picked the girl up. God she was beautiful. Even when she was passed out she was gorgeous.

Before the guy could catch me i ran full speed back to the shop and ran inside entirely out of breath and carefully set her down and i could her him coming around the corner so i ran to the door and shut it than locked it making sure he could NOT come in!

I was kneeling down next to her and just looking at her beauty and it did not look like she had any really bad injuries, just a few cuts and bruises, but i know she will be very sore in the morning.

Caroline's POV

What the hell just happened!? Harry styles came running through the door holding what looks to be my best friend. How could this happen. I was shocked, stunned, and frozen........


I know i know i know. VERY short chapter and Not the best chapter. But it will get better. The next update should be like on Sunday maybe, with it being the end of the school year i have been extremely busy. And im having a brain fart right now writing. It sucks.

Buutttt! Please keep reading, voting, and commenting! I love u all TOO INFINITY AND BEYOND!

Byers guyers! Love u again!

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