waking up the boys

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so i tried to post this 3 weeks ago but every time i click publish, it comes up a drafts and this isn't the first time its happened but its not working and i don't know if you can read it. but I'm so frustrated with why its not working. sorry for not updating. 

——when you joined the boys on tour since you were an early riser the tour manager gave you the job of waking the boys up and having them breakfasted by 9am on most mornings unless scheduled otherwise. you too this job proudly in your hands.

calum: usually for calum you would just rub his back under his shirt and start talking to him as though you were having a conversation with him like "hey how did you sleep?" "really thats a shame" eventually he would get up and go get breakfast you had prepared.

luke: most often the easiest way to wake luke was to shake his shoulders and shout his name or start banging and crashing things because he was a light sleeper.

ashton: ashton usually woke the moment you did coming out and helping you with breakfast so that was okay until the mornings he decided not to do that. normally you had to burst his ear drums by playing screamo music down the bus at high volume

michael: michael was a very heavy sleeper and sometimes not even screamo music could wake him up so you used to tickle him at the same time or you would just straddle him or sing loudly in his ear.

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