What he adores most about you

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Ashton: Your eyes, they are a piercing blue and he can usually see his reflection in them. Though they creep you out and you wear contacts he steals them away so he can look at your eyes. Like little blue oceans

Calum: How you cook, not in a sexist way however you are an apprentice at a resturant and want to open your own one day. so you are always cooking and practising at home and calum loves how concentrated you are and how much effort and love you put into the food you make. plus he is number 1 taste tester so 

Michael: Your laugh, it is his most favourite thing in the world. Whether its a small quiet giggle or fits of laughter he love sit, your eyes crinkle you lightly cover your mouth with your hand and if its really funny slap your knee. it makes him laugh to, its contagious. He does everything he can to keep you laughing.

Luke: That you are eager to learn to play the guitar, you tried when you were younger but couldn't afford a proper guitar or lessons for yourself and when you mentioned it luke bought his old acustic and taught you to play. he adorded how you tried your best and practised always hoping to one day be better then him.

just kidding no one can be better the luke at it so bye

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