Touring/living with the boys includes

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- "has anyone seen my bra"

- "please take my bra off your head"

- waking up to luke singing random tunes that come to his head, ashton drumming, michael swearing his head off and calum screaming beyonce

- them constantly taking videos and snapchats of you

- you vlogging your experience

- stealing their phones and following fans

- stealing your phone and hiding it throughout the bus

- stealing their shirts to sleep in and eventually wear out and about

- taking more of their shirts on tour then your own from previous tours you've stolen them from

- being the person to chop up cashtons tank tops and write on Michaels clothes (ie: idiot on his flannel)

- helping out with styling

- not getting enough food at buffet dinners because they took it all

- them letting you have first choice on dessert

- screaming the lyrics from the wings at every show

- them constantly asking for cuddles

- stupid jokes and pick up lines in the back of the bus when jet lag is being a bitch

- cooking random shit with whats left in the bus mini fridge

- trips out and about the new city you're in being tourists

- "no give me the fucking map"

- "i think we are lost"


- "dick"

- dedicating songs to you

- playing leap frog over the chairs whilst they had sound check

- sneaking out of the venue before the show to meet the fans

- constantly being the subject of the their snapchat

- them bringing you surprise presents

- "oh thankyou- rem what is it"


- "did you seriously already kill that fish?"


- "I'm so sorry about that"

- pillow fights in hotel rooms

- you having to padlock the bathroom door no the bus not taking any chances

- prank wars

- comforting the boys when they get homesick and setting up Skype dates

- being hella supportive because you know who tough it can be some times

- them calling you mum so much it sticks

- "mummy calum won't pass me the remote"

- "i want to watch the highlights"

- being positive

- when someone is down you being the first one to cheer them up

- letting the boys pick the movie for movie nights every night

- each having a character from mean girls so when you watch the movie that is your character

- constantly quoting mean girls to each other

- "hey they are my boxers"

- "boys shut up"

- " hey y/n do you think birds can understand us"

- "shut up michael"

- "shut up luke"

- stupid conversations at all hours

- creating a tour book and getting as many fans throughout the venue to sign it as possible and put pictures in it

- being in charge of where they are at all times

- you throwing up because michael was peeing in the sink

- "it doesnt matter what fucking shoes he wears on stage just get out there now"

- having to apologise for them being stupid or late wherever you went

- keeping them focused and on track

- reminding them of why they are here and that all this will be worth it

- buying their award show outfits last minute and getting angry because they've had a whole year to do this

- constantly muttering hate under your breath bc they do your head in


- they tell everyone about you

- being their plus 1 as a band to all shows

- ellen has you on her show

- signing 5sos up for ellens haunted house

- the boys kicking your arse at video games back michael giving you lessons at 2am and you surprising them with your skills

- you dressing up as a classic '12 year old fan' decked out in full mercy and the boys having to come out and identify you

- face timing each other when you're on opposite sides of the bus

- them constantly giving you random facts they found

- trying pick up lines on you

- relationship advice

- becoming close with bryana and the fans knowing about it

- them mockingly giving you the sex talk when you go meet up with friends

- bitching about people together

- them blushing when you compliment them

- them dragging you on stage

- playing hide and seek throughout the venue and them giving up on finding you

- scaring people in the streets

- singing really loudly when you are in public

- basically the 5 of you being a public nuisance

- not letting them come shopping with you

- them forcing their way to come shopping with you and throwing things at you

- you know the video of cian twomey of him shopping around with his girlfriend and making puns out of everything he finds; that is 5sos

- you pushing around 5sos in the cart


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