Chapter 1

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"I love you like, love you like the rain"

"leave your mark, then you go away"

"Once so happy but now you never stay"

"but I still love you like the rain" he sang

By the time the show was over I was already on my third drink and getting very tipsy.I laughed along to some stupid jokes my friends made. 

"Hey I'm gonna go get a drink, you guys want anything ?" I offered 

"yeah ill take a rum and coke"

"make that 2"

I stumbled off my chair and walked to the bar. I was about to say my order to the bartender when someone crashed onto me, sending me falling to the floor. Usually I would've been totally annoyed but tonight was different, I was In a really good mood.  I felt two strong arms pick me up and soon enough I was faced with the guy I've  just been admiring from afar. 

"Are you alright,love?"Adam cooed 

"ouchh, what the hell,that really hurt" I say pretending to be hurt

" I..I..I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to, my friends they don't-

I started giggling interrupting him.I was so drunk I couldn't even keep a straight face for 10 seconds.

"Ohh I see we've got an actress here"he giggled "I'm Adam by the way, you may recognize me from my killer performance earlier."

"Ha someone's arrogant" I joked 

"So you didn't like the performance?" he laughed pretending to be hurt

"It was alright" I lied "anyways I should be getting back to my friends" I Say turning around to see an empty table where my friends where sitting.

"whereee did they goooo" I slurred almost tripping over my untied shoes.

"Whoa there, maybe you should sit down love" Adam laughed 

"Hehe you called me love again." Can you believe my friends just ditched me like that? I said frowning 

" Well maybe they dont actually like you"he smiled 

"Hey  why are you so mean, meanyy" I tease while starting to walk away 

"Why don't you let me drive you home, think of it as a peace offering" He smiled

"But what if your a cereal killer, everyone knows how much I love my lucky charms cereal" I giggle at my own joke.

" Come on Kate, I go to the same school as you, do you really think I'm a cereal killer? he says leading me outside. 

"maybe its your hobby,how should I know" I say following him to his car

My Brain is running a mile a minute, I'm in the car with THE Adam Dawson, I couldn't believe it. I was definitely   making a fool out of myself. I was so wasted, I could barely make a sentence because my my constant giggling.  After a while I decided to just shut up and admire this moment while it lasted because god know I won't remember anything in the morning. The car suddenly came to a stop and Adam turned to face me.

"Thanks for the ride, Adammm" 

"It was the least I could do"

"Goodnight Adam" I say walking out of the door and heading towards my house.

I unlock the door only to be greeted by my drunk father who I loathed.He was abusive controlling and blamed me for my mothers death.Ive never really had the best childhood, my mom used drugs all her life and  I guess my dad thought he could change her. We tried sending her to numerous rehabs but sooner or later she would just go back to her old habits of sniffing cocaine.I remember getting back from school and finding my mother passed out on the floor, after that my father blamed the whole thing on me. He said I  put too much stress on her shoulders and made her overdose.I started to blame myself as well ,I  couldn't help thinking that if I would've got home 10 minutes earlier she would still be alive. My life only went downhill from there, I was depressed and alone, but I decided to push away these feelings and just focus on school.My father turned into a beast, yelling and smashing things ever since I was 9 its been the same story.


School was going pretty normal, I decided to stay away form parties for a while after waking up with the hugest hangover ever. I didn't speak to Adam but saw him around the halls.I felt like it would be weird  if I where to go say hi, so I didn't. The days passed and passed and Adam was on my mind, at school he was known as the badass mysterious guy who was in a band.He was the kid who caused trouble and got detention, everyone else though of it as a turn off but somehow I didn't.  

The bell rings as I rush into class forgetting my textbook in my locker.Considering its university I doubt the professor will notice I'm gone, the classroom is too big anyways.I sneak out of the classroom and head down the hall towards my locker, the halls are empty and quiet until I hear a loud crashing noise.

"Stay away form my girlfriend,what the hell is wrong with you"Ethan,our schools lead hockey player shoves  Adam onto the locker.

"Are you fucking kidding me man, you know she's just a slut right" Adam laughs

Ethan throws one final punch at Adam then walks away angrily.I stand there shocked, I don't know if I should go offer Adam some help or not.

"What the fuck are you staring at kate?" Adam growls 

I jump back slightly surprised by his tone of voice, I decide not to say anything,if he's gonna be an ass then I'll let him be by himself.

I get back in class unnoticed, take my seat and begin listening to this boring 2 hour class on business accounting.


How was that?



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