Fair in War

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*Natia's P.O.V.*

[24 weeks later]

"Come on Natia! Be a women!" Nikki screamed in my ear and kicked me in the stomach. I rolled to the ropes and held on to it.

I groaned in pain as i try to stand up. My fifth match, week after week with this chick? Why? Its getting old. She hasnt won. Ive been winning.

I turn around, only for her to hit me with a kick to my face. Again, my face hurts from another kick from her. Ive got to end this, again and quick. Before i get really hurt this time.

I stood up, using the ropes for support, and turned around to see her run at me. Once she came at me, i threw her over the ropes and outside the ring. Enough time to catch my breath. The referee started to count as i see Nikki struggling to get in the ring. But she gets in at the count of 6.

I took this opportunity to kick her repeatedly until the referee pulled me away. I decided to take the opportunity to run into the ropes and back at her by jumping on top of her. Running back to the ropes as she was getting up, i came at her with my signature move and picking up the win.

"And your winner, the Divas Champion, Natia!"

I walked out the ring and went backstage. Walking to the catering, i see Naomi and Brie at the table. No, im not friends with Brie, so dont think that. I just sit and listen to their conversation the whole time. Only when i cant find anyone else or dont want to go in the locker room.

"Hey Natia." Dolph said, walking in line with me. "Whats up?"

"Hungry like always. But thats not new. Just finished my match with Nikki." I sighed and grabbed some chicken.

"Again? Dont you guys always go against each other? I mean, its getting old." He says.

"Yeah i am tired of it. I need to talk with the Authority. Even if they hate me." I sat down and ate my food. While listening to Dolph.

"You should. After your, 3 trips up to the food court." He chuckles. I shook my head at him.



"Where is Stephanie?" I asked, getting annoyed.

"Not here. Can we talk?" Seth asks, sitting down in a seat. I sighed and sat down across from him. "So, are you happy?"

"What the hell does this have to do with? What are you up to Rollins?" I lift my eyebrow at him. Asking me if im happy. What the hell.

"Look, Natia. I can tell your not happy with your life." He sighs and puts his feet on the table and leans back in the chair. "Why i think you be happy if you were in my life."

"First off, arent you with my sister? And second, what makes you think i want your nasty ass?" I cross my arms, glaring at him.

"Yeah, i do have your sister. So? And, come on Natia. You know when you came into this business, you wanted to be with me." He stands up and walks behind my chair. Oh god. "You know you want me."

"You know what i want? Food. Also to get the hell out of here!" I stood up and backed to the door. "I dont get it. Your dating my sister!"

"And i love her to death. But she told me about how much you wanted me and to satisfy your needs." He smirked at me.

"Im out." I said and left out the door. Cant believe this bullshit. My sister! Told that asshole that i needed him. What the fuck?!

I just shrugged it off and walked to the locker room. Where i cant be bothered by Seth or anyone i hate. Weirdest day ever.

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