Chapter 2 - Flooded Out.

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I remember it all too well. The glass shattered to the floor, and the water stayed where it was for a split second but then whooshed into me.

I was propelled into the wall behind me and my bruise was knocked. I let out a cry of pain, only to see bubbles float in front of my eyes.

Immediately, I closed my mouth, looked up and stared in shock. I could see light, which meant there was air above me, and without thinking about any dangers I swum to the top of the water.

I gasped as my head surfaced. But I didn't surface for long; my clothes were dragging me under, forbidding me to breath. As fast as I could, which wasn't very, I pulled off my jeans, jersey, and top. That left me in my singlet, and, well, my undies. The cold water took the breath out of me, but then I heard a cry.

I swam towards it, finding it easier and quicker to glide under water. The little orange fish swam next to me. It seemed to be laughing. I flicked it away and found the lady I saw earlier, almost drowning. 

"My baby!" She cried.

Then I saw a shelf. I wasn't sure what a shelf was doing so far up, but I pulled the lady to the shelf and told her I would find her daughter.

Taking a deep breath, I swam down. 'You're gonna drown' a voice told me in my head. Then another one, but this time warning me; 'Be careful Saph, you don't know what's down there...' 

And that's when the fear kicked in, and the adrenalin rush halted.



Hi. XP

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