Chapter Six: 4 AM Readings

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Jack's Point of View
8:18 pm.
We arrived at my apartment after leaving Patri-Pitch's house.

"You should probably head up to bed, you look tired." Of course, she didn't hesitate; Elsa walked straight up to her room on the second floor. "Elsa! Wait!"

You idiot! I mentally shouted to myself. What do I tell her now?

"Uh- if you get cold there are extra blankets down here."

"If we've know eachother for as long as you say then you would know that the cold never bothered me anyway..." Elsa said then walked away.

'I love you.' I thought to myself but accidentally said it out loud.

"Did you say something Jack?" Elsa shouted.

Yes, I did say something.

Something that you won't remember until this curse is reversed.

"Nothing Elsa, nothing at all." I shouted back and headed off to bed.

How am I supposed to tell her that I've loved her ever since I've met her?

She thinks we've only known eachother since this afternoon.

Elsa needs to save us.

Elsa's Point of View
3:52 am.
I don't usually wake up in the middle of the night but when I do it's because of a nightmare.

Pitch Black. Those words kept playing in my head.

Where do I know that name from? I thought. That's it!

Before I could blink I ran down the stairs quietly and grabbed the book from the bookshelf in the corner of the room.

I made myself a cup or tea to keep myself awake and opened the book to a picture of Pitch.

"Elsa, what are you doing up?" Jack asked with his eyes squinted and his voice quiet.

"Research." I said and went back to the book.

Pitch has been one of the most dangerous villains in Arendelle. He goes by many names but his most popular is 'The Boogie Man'.

"Pitch is the Boogie Man?" I asked Jack and he nodded.

Jack came down and sat next to me at the dining table.

"And you're doing research at 4 in the morning because why?"

"I won't sleep until I find out more about this guy."

Pitch Black has the power to control and manipulate people's dreams and turn them into nightmares.

"Wait, if Pitch can only control nightmares-" Jack interrupted me because he knew exactly what I was thinking.

"Who cast the curse?"

I apologize for not updating last night. I had marching band and show choir for two hours and got very tired at 9:30.

However I actually updated at a decent time today. I'm proud of myself.

If I try harder, I could have two or three chapters done tonight.

Stay Fabulous ✌️
-Riley 💁🏻

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