eight // bruises

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not text (at all)

Gabe woke up to his boyfriend curled into him, head on his chest, hair splayed all over.

He yawned, trying not to wake him up when he noticed a bruise on his chest, datk enough to blend in with the dark light the night before.

"Fuck." He muttered, running his hand through his hair.

"Mm, morning." William said, brushing his hair from his eyes.

"Bill. What's tht bruise from?"

"My dad. He gave it to me in California when I asked if Court and I could go to the beach to watch a bonfire. He was drunk."


"Can we talk about this later?"

"Yeah. Sorry for bringing it up."

"It's alright. I get it-you're worried."

"C'mon. Breakfast awaits us."

"Alright. I should probably put a shirt on..."

"Yeah. My moms would interrogate you."

"It almost looks like a hickey."

"But they would've heard you. You're loud. Also Ricky is in the next room. "

"Oh yeah. So I guess we can't say that."

"Yeah. So get dressed, Bilvy."

"Alright." William stood up and grabbed a shirt from Gabe's closet, an old one that advertised some club.

"Hot. Now come on."

"M-hm." He nodded, grabbing his hand and going downstairs.


"Good morning, Gabe. William."

"Morning." They yawned.

"Tired? There's pancakes."

"So tired. The end of the summer is always stressful."

"Put another 'x' on the calendar, right? Summer is never it's best on it's deathbed." One of Gabe's mom said.

"Oh, Pete made a friend at summer camp. Mikey Way."

"Ooh, wasn't he dating Patrick?" Courtney asked,with  a mouthful of maple sugary pancakes.

"They broke up at the beginning of summer.  I'm pretty sure they got in a fight." William said between bites.

"Oh. Okay. Well who's this Milky dude?"

"Mikey."Gabe laughed, correcting the girl.

"Okay, Mikey. Who is he?"

"'Nother camp counselor, I believe." Gabe said, shoving a whole pancake in his face.


"Yeah, dude's fro Jersey. Pete' gonna be so disappointed when he finds out that he won't be able to see him for a while."

"Yeah. But hey, it's not out business. It's his life." William chimed in.

"Wanna go to the beach today?" Gabe asked, out of the blue.

"Sure. Why not?" William said, a grin on is face..

"We're going to take Courtny shopping." Gabe's mom said, summoning her wife over.

"Yup." Courtney grinned, gap-toothed smile showing for everyone.

"Come on, Bill. Let's go get dressed."

summertime boys // gabilliamWhere stories live. Discover now