eleven // rock bottom and over the edge

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william was curled up in gabe's bed, calming himself down by biting his lips and feeling gabe's hands on his hair.

his head was in gabe's lap, and gabe was stroking his hair with his long fingers, whispering to him as william cried into his lap.

he was already eighteen, he had turned it in february and so he was legall, he was able to live without  his parents. but courtney wsn't

she was still eleven, with no way of making it out of there.

they had taken her  back with them to the station, and decided that william was old enough to dictate for himself whether or not he should go in.

they were keeping his baby sister in a shelter for the meanwhile, and william knew she would be safe there, but he wanted her by his side.

gabe kissed the back of william's neck and snapped out of the trance.

"hey, bill. im sorry about today, hows your eye healing?"

"swollen." he muttered.

"hey. my moms are going to get some dinner, what do you want?"

"can you pick for me?"



an hour later the pair was sitting in ricky's room, watchinf star wars with him and eating chinese takeout.

"you always know what i want." william muttered, kissing gabe.


"ew, gross guys. no pda."


they settled for william laying with his head in gabe's lap while gabe fiddled with william's fingers.

"hey, ricky, william looks like he's about to fall asleep, we're gonna skip out on you, bud. sorry."

"it's alright, the dude's been through a lot, he's allowed to be tired."

"see you, rick."

gabe pulled william up and they went back to gabe's room.

"bill, you spaced out a  bunch in there. is it about court?"

william nodded.

"hey, she's alright. hayley was at that shelter for a little bit a few months ago, and she said they treated her well and they'll do the same with your baby sister."

"i'm just scared for what they'll do to her. and if my dad ever gets out-"

"he won't, william. i can assure you of that."

"you're too nice to me, gabe."

"and you're too good for me. do you just wanna curl up and fall asleep with me?"

william nodded.

"i love you a ton, bill." gabe whispered in his ear as billl fell asleep in his arms.

HEY YO LOOK i updated again how is it yo

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