Chapter 39 - Breach of Contract

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Thank you all so much for your patience. I hope we are up

and rolling at a good pace for the final chapters! Your support

is amazing and has been such an encouragement to me!

I chose a song to put with this chapter. I hope you enjoy it!

Chapter 39

Breach of Contract

Dane took the timeline and the spreadsheets and slid them into a folder. He tossed it on his desk and left the room removing his shirt along the way.

Seeing him sleeping just moments ago made her realize she was missing early mornings with him. She was missing the little things. Dang it. She flat out missed him. On a good day, Berkley couldn't keep her eyes off him when he had his shirt. Today wasn't a good day for him to be shirtless. She almost kissed him just moments ago and now he had her practically had her wagging her tongue. She waited until he had turned the corner out of sight then closed her eyes tight, took a deep breath and told herself that she could do this.

"Do you feel like having breakfast?" He called over his shoulder.

She nonchalantly replied. "Sure." She glanced at the makeshift desk curiously once more then followed after him.

The light in the laundry room was on now. Dane was in his boxers and was reaching for an old pair of cargo shorts when he noticed her. Wide eyed like a deer in headlights she froze. He smiled at her and she blushed before turning and walking to the refrigerator.

"Berkley..." Dane finished pulling on his shorts and slid into his favorite old t-shirt that for a while she wore for pajamas. He smiled, remembering the first time he caught her in it. It looked a heck of a lot better on her.

He found her rummaging through the fridge. "Berkley." He repeated her name this time softly and with more care. She continued with her task at hand and turned to face him once she had the ingredients she was after.

Dane reached and took them from her being careful not break the eggs as placed them on the island. He closed the fridge and stepped forward.

"You know it drives me crazy when you blush for me." He smiled.

"Just because we're in a difficult place doesn't mean..." She hesitated. "I still... you know I love you but I feel torn all the time. I don't want you to see me as a mistake that has held you back five years from now. I just want to be sure that..." She cut her words short. She couldn't tell him that wanted to be sure he wouldn't leave her to be with Ana once the reality of life with her and Lily became a challenge.

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