In L♥ving Memory of Dylan July 2016

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I wanted to write everyone a short note to explain my absence for the past seven months.  I wrote a dedication to someone very dear to me at the beginning of Chapter 43.

Dylan came into my life with my reluctance.  He made me nervous when I first met him and I doubted him.  But Dylan, being the sweet kind soul that he was, forgave me and worked his way into my heart as I got to know him.   I admired his patience and I wish mine wasn't in short supply.  

Tragically and unexpectedly he was taken from us.  Our families are shattered.  We have all been forever changed by the loss of a great young man.  We have been waiting for answers and praying for closure to help bring us peace.  We may never know the events of that day and either way, nothing will bring him back to us.  We have to find a way to move on and live again.

It has been a long hard road but my family is slowly healing.  I appreciate those of you who have been patient.  You all have been far too good and loyal to my story and I am so grateful for you.  Therefore I felt the need to give you an explanation.  

I am getting back to writing now and look forward to wrapping this up once and for all.

As for Dylan.  I miss you every day.   I failed you.  Forgive me.  I love you.  Rest in peace.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2017 ⏰

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