Chapter 16 - The Purchased Date

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 Authors Note:  It's almost 4am but I cranked out a chapter... that being said it may have typos... I went over it but at 4am I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed.  Thanks for reading and remember to vote, comment and share my story with your friends if you like it. Also I added a picture of Blake on the side!

Thanks to everyone who is reading... You make my day and keep me motivated!  

This chapter is dedicated to RandomXX


I appreciate all comments but again I must ask that you refrain from using profanity on my wall.  It is not in my book for the most part and I prefer to keep it off my wall.  Comment away but keep it clean!  :)  Thank you all again!  

Chapter 16

Dane swept the remaining shards of glass from the floor while Berkley held a squirming Ethan.  "No more fire?"  Ethan asked.

Dane dumped the contents of the dustpan returned the broom to laundry room then reached for Ethan.  "No more fire." He smiled placing a kiss on Ethan's temple and giving Berkley a quick once over and smiling approvingly.

He leaned in and kissed her on the cheek sweetly.  "Since dinner is still smoking on the front porch maybe you should just run upstairs and freshen up so that I can take the two of you to out."

"Are you sure?  I don't mind cooking."

"I think you've done enough cooking for today."  He chuckled.

"It wasn't my fault."  She argued holding in her laughter.

"Okay, since it wasn't you throwing me down on the table and have your way with me, maybe I have to take sole responsibility for your flaming bod-   ... burgers."  He said with flicker of desire still in his eyes followed by his sense of humor.

"Since you are being a good boy now, I think I will clean up and join you for dinner."  She turned towards the stairs and skipped up them.

"Just so you know I'm holding you responsible for the broken dishes."

"Take it out of my check."

"Eh, you can just work the night shift to make up for it."   Dane shouted up to her.


They went to dinner at the Pizza Palace which was infamous for serving mediocre pizza while over stimulating children with singing puppets and flashing lights.  Ethan wasn't really able to play the games but they had several rides that thrilled him and of course he loved the animated dragon that growled and roared every fifteen minutes.  Of course Ethan considered him to be a dinosaur rather than a dragon.

Dane, shot several basketball hoops while Ethan cheered him on proudly and after moving around the room to cover everything that required athletic skills, Dane felt that he had scored ridiculous number of tickets.  They proceeded to the counter to redeem them and walked away with a blue dragon almost the size of Ethan.

Ethan was so high strung that he talked all the way home.   Berkley felt her heart swell every time she glanced over at Dane.  He kept looking in his rear view mirror at Ethan.  "I haven't ever heard him talk so much."  He said his smile beaming. 

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