Chapter 45 - Holiday Bustle

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Revised Chapter 3-3-16

Thank you all for reading and special thanks to those who continue to support me with votes and comments.  Those help promote the story and get it noticed.  I hope to catch the attention of those who have given up on me a long time ago and let them know they have their ending in sight.  I would love for everyone that has fallen in and out of love with Dane and Berkley to see them through to the end with me!

Thank you all so much!


Ryle Cate (a.k.a. Cat Ryer)

Chapter 45

Holiday Bustle

Dane worked hard all week in preparation of the holiday and the upcoming trip to China that he did not plan to attend. He spent a lot of time going over the details with Ana and she had rehearsed her PowerPoint in front of him at least a dozen times. Alan was concerned in regards to sending her to handle the responsibility but Dane assured him that she was more than capable.

The word of his proxy had spread all the way back to China and was not sitting well them or the board members. Now he found himself sitting in the boardroom with a bunch of grumpy old men filled with apprehensions. He spent over an hour discussing the itinerary, purpose and projected outcome that he expected as a result of this trip.

"This outcome is based on your performance." One said.

While another added. "This is too important to risk sending your assistant."

"Ana is more than qualified and has always been more than just my assistant. She is probably more qualified with the analytical aspects of this deal and she knows the numbers better than I do, truth being told."

He looked them in the eyes and didn't back down. They were nervous and jittery because the company was too committed to turn back at this point. Millions had already been invested in preparation of the expansion. He went head to head with them on that a couple of years ago to lay the ground work for this. He thought the positive feedback from his last trip would have eased their mind but then some of these old guys were set in there ways and simply resisting change. They were lacking vision.

"You sold us on this idea and put everything in place and now you have no desire to see it come to fruition." Clark the youngest of them spoke vehemently. It was no secret that he despised Dane. He had only one interest in mind. His own. He had suggested a different course of action that was almost approved until Dane presented his plans for the company. Regardless, Clark's resentment for Dane grew.

Dane scanned the room. The others had supported him in the past albeit reluctantly at times. It puzzled him to see them resist him on practically everything he did, when they were the ones who put him in charge because of his fresh perspective and his promising vision for the company.

Alan spoke up and offered his support but it did very little to help his case. They insisted on a video conference with China to discuss the arrangements with them, in person so to speak. Dane still held firm. He could not go to China and risk missing the birth of Lily. The meeting was tentatively set for later in the week.

He stepped out into the hall while everyone said their farewells and made a quick call to Berkley. He needed to remind her to have Ethan at the office by two in the afternoon. He had promised Laura's parents that they could spend time with him this Christmas. He worried about how Ethan would feel about it all but the last visit went well. They had visited him at the house a couple of times since the play date in the park. He had warmed up to them well but he hadn't really been alone with them at length.

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