Chapter 27 - More Than Just A Baby Bump

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Chapter 27 – More Than Just A Baby Bump

After a sweet lovemaking session with Dane followed by cuddling and a much needed nap, Berkley was pleasantly surprised to find herself in his arms and even more surprised that he was still with her.  His work had been so demanding as of late that she was certain he would do as always and tiptoe quietly back down to his office leaving her to her dreams.

She lifted up onto her elbow and savored the delicious sight of him.  What did she do to deserve such a man?  He was successful of his own volition and could have any woman he wanted.  He was dedicated to his work, to Ethan and now to her and their baby. 

Dane was still sleeping heavily as he rolled onto his back.  She smiled letting her eyes drink in the sight of his beautiful form.  His tanned skin fit snugly over the perfect ratio of lean muscle that constricted deliciously beneath the surface as he stretched.  Berkley struggled with the idea of waking him but he had been so uptight earlier that seeing him now, like this relaxed and peaceful, kept her from doing so. 

She traced along his jawline with the tip of her index finger lightly.  She wondered if he realized just how crazy he made her.  He had a way of throwing her off balance.  She knew it wasn’t intentional or even his fault.  It was her feelings for him that created this strange phenomenon taking place inside her heart and mind.  She had never known a man like Dane, let alone dated anyone like him.

BJ had been more hands on with her from the first moment they met.  Granted they met at a night club and after hours of dancing BJ was very comfortable touching her, in fact too comfortable was more like it.  Their relationship started off all wrong and was most likely doomed with or without the abuse that developed over time.  She had been used by that landscaping guy and it had crushed her.  He was her first and as special as it was she wished it had been, she wished even more that afterward would have been special.  She spent all day trying to keep her mind at bay but still it had wandered and imagined the most perfect date that would lead into a beautiful setting, where he would be flawless and she we would feel beautiful with no personal insecurities.  She wondered now if the reason she had been disappointed had been because of a completely unobtainable notion of what she wanted in comparison to the reality of what realistically was.  Had she been completely unfair to him?   Had she set herself up for the heartache and regret that followed?

She trailed her finger over the fullness of Dane’s lips wanting to taste them.  A smile spread across her face as she thought back to that day at Clarabella’s.  He surprised her that day and butterflies fluttered wildly in her stomach at the realization, that for now at least, he was hers.  She remembered his reflection in the dressing room mirror allowing her to steal glances of him while he was completely unguarded and vulnerable.  She loved seeing the hidden side of him, the side that according to Grace no one ever got to see.  

Berkley looked at the clock and then leaned over him, letting her lips hover over his for a moment, making sure he was still sleeping before gently planting a kiss against his mouth.  She wanted to stay here, tangled up in his arms but Ethan would be stirring soon.

She slid from his grasp and scooted to the edge of the bed and reached for her clothes.  Dane rolled onto his side placing an arm around her waist.  “Don’t go.”  He said lazily.

“Ethan will be up soon.”  She said.

“So, I was enjoying your attention.”  He said with a boyish grin.

“So you were watching me.”

“No, you were watching me.”  He teased pulling her towards him.

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